Chapter 52 - Let Out the Beast

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When Feng Jiu woke up, she felt herself snuggled up against something hard and cool to the touch.

Her breathing was deep and even as her eyelashes slowly fluttered open. She was staring into a sea of white. A scent of sandalwood pleasantly invaded her lungs and she leaned into the smell that had become so comforting to her. She closed her eyes again while her little nose twitched at the pleasurable scent. She rubbed her cheek and face into his chest. She was about to let herself fall back into a slumber when suddenly she was met with a certain desire. She quietly and gently moved back, careful to not wake him, knowing his arm around her would move as she did.

She put enough distance between them so she could look into his serene and undisturbed sleeping face. She gazed at his perfect features. She wet her lips and gently bit down on her bottom lip in nervousness. She finally gathered enough courage to raise her hand and gently grazed his nose softly with her finger. 

His perfect pale skin was cool to the touch as she slowly and carefully traced his features and lightly traversed the space between his lips and his nose. She could feel the cold air of his quiet exhalation bathe her fingers as she then outlined his cold lips with careful precision. His lips reminded her of the soft petals of a flower after being kissed by the first snow of the season. She traced her finger along the line between his lips.

Darkness then immediately flashed over her eyes as a sharp and excruciating pain invaded her consciousness

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Darkness then immediately flashed over her eyes as a sharp and excruciating pain invaded her consciousness. A piercing scream bolted its way out of her mouth.

"Little fox, stay with me," she could hear him say. She felt herself being lifted up and was propped up against something hard and cold. She tried to hold back the warm wet tears seeping out from her corners of her eyes but they kept trickling down. She opened her eyes but her usually sharp vision was blurred and the only things she could see were spotches of white, tan, and red.

Dong Hua was awake when he felt her fingers hovering over his face. He worked hard to hide the smile that wanted so desperately to emerge. Dong Hua did not often have the desire to sleep, but he had needed that nap to calm his nervous system down from what had transpired a couple of hours earlier from their misunderstanding.

It was as if her soft warm fingertips radiated a tingling electric charge. His whole body responded to her meandering excursion over his face. When she lightly placed her fingertip over his lips, he had this urge to take it in. He had meant for it to be a playful nip, but in his excitement he had bit down harder than necessary. He immediately could feel his teeth sink into her soft flesh and immediately let her finger go after hearing her scream. Panic washed over him as he tasted the warm metallic tang of her fox blood on his tongue.

His eyes flashed open to see her small hand laying limp on his pillow, her forefinger covered in blood that was quickly seeping into the fabric. He immediately sat up and swiftly but gently brought her up to rest on his chest while he inspected her wound. He couldn't see her fingertip.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now