Chapter 40 - Kitsune Karma

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A/N: Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox.


When Feng Jiu won the game of Go against Dijun, she was so elated she had forgotten about upholding the modicum of modesty she had planned to.

Once Dong Hua conceded defeat with a stone face, she immediately sprang up still in her fox form and started doing a victory dance. She began shaking her tail and sashaying, taking steps backwards and then forwards. There was no music playing except the sound of her jingling bells, yet there was obviously music playing in her head.

Dong Hua had never seen a fox dance before and so he watched thoroughly entranced.

The audio in her head that was accompanying her little dance was actually lion dancing music complete with gongs and hyper-drumming. She thrashed her little fox head to the left and right, imagining she was a lion dancing its life away for the biggest hong bao, ever. She had learned about the red envelopes of money given away in the Mortal Realm for the Lunar New Year celebrations at the theatre she often watched her plays.

She continued dancing with well-coordinated stomps of her paws before she did a play bow stretching out her front legs. Her head lowered to the ground and she wiggled her bottom and bushy tail playfully in the air.

Dong Hua laughed. She then catapulted herself into his arms, the surprise knocked him over onto his back with her lying on his chest. She playfully licked him under his chin.

She was so excited with winning the game that she accidentally turned back into her immortal form with her face inches from his. She could tell from the look on his face that she was no longer a fox and before she knew it, he had reversed their positions. His large cold hands gently pinned her wrists to the ground, his body hovered over hers and his gaze seemed to be slowly floating over her face, like a bee, unable to decide where on the flower to land.

"Sorry, I lost focus Dijun and switched forms accidentally." She panted, still energized from her dance. "I was probably too heavy that's why you took me off of you." She knew she had to be polite, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. "But, you see, now you're the heavy one on me.... "

The smallest hint of a smile emerged on his lips and he slowly moved his hips off her, still keeping his chest and hands in the same exact position. She figured her dancing was too crass for him so he was restraining her from dancing any further. She knew that he hadn't seen much of the world and would not know how good of a dancer she was compared to others.

"You know Dijun, I'm actually considered a very good dancer ... nobody really gets to see me dance like that ... "

"So, you're saying I should consider myself fortunate that the future Queen of Qing Qiu danced for me in her fox form?"

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"So, you're saying I should consider myself fortunate that the future Queen of Qing Qiu danced for me in her fox form?"

Now that he puts it like that, it does seem crass. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now