Chapter 107 - The Peach Blossom Kiss

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(Image credit - "Rosy Spring" by Roswitha Schacht on 500px)

A/N: Mature content with some steam. I see you guys grinning 😉


Dong Hua smiled as he watched her run up to Mogu and embraced the beast's large white head in her arms.

She spoke excitedly to her mount as they walked over.

"Master." The Snow Lion bowed his head.

"Mogu, you were not scheduled to be discharged from Zhe Yan's care until tomorrow morning, remember?" asked Dong Hua with a raised eyebrow. "Or did you leave against medical advice?"

"After they fed me the small red tree my condition improved. The bird-man says Master has not lost his emergency medicine skills. I convinced him and his pretty-boy mate to release me as I have healed substantially," grumbled out the beast. "They treated me well but they played many games that disrupted my sleeping. Games with fanned out bird feathers and wagging fox tails."

"You do know that you, an immortal beast, received concierge care from the oldest Phoenix Deity and most illustrious physician in all the realms. You also had a Prince of Qing Qiu act as your nursemaid."

"Master has taught me well. I expressed gratitude by letting them know I would disembowel anyone who disrespects their union. They have the love. Also, who would dare say birds and foxes cannot mate. I almost saw it happen but thankfully the medicine made my eyes roll back into my head so I saw nothing."

"Oh, um well that's good. My uncles are very affectionate with each other. Especially my fourth uncle. Foxes are like that," she said as she sat snuggled in between Dong Hua's legs on the blanket.

"Mogu, do not exert yourself. Your cultivation, like your mistress's, is still healing."

"Dijun, Is that why you're having us stay in Qing Qiu? You're having me rest?"

"I assure you little fox, rest is the last thing you'll have tonight," he said darkly while playfully nipping at her ear as she gasped in delight.

Mogu raised his furry white eyebrows at the sight before him.

Seeing her mount's expression, she nudged Dong Hua in the chest. "Perhaps, we should tell him," she whispered.

"If that's what you wish, we can tell him." He looked up at his mount expressionlessly. "We are together."

She looked up at him and then to her mount. She had thought their reveal would have more fanfare. The beast looked at his mistress and then over to his master.

"Roh?" replied Mogu.

She and Dong Hua nodded.

"Have you done the rub?" grumbled out the beast challengingly.

Dong Hua raised his hand. "I most certainly have done the rub," he said while winking at her, to which she giggled.

Mogu then turned to look at his mistress.

"Mmm," she scrunched her lips up to consider if she had met the beast's criteria. She thought perhaps the enthusiastic grinding she did into his pelvis could qualify as rubbing but wasn't quite sure and felt shy asking her mount.

Dong Hua leaned over and whispered, "just raise your hand and say 'yes' because by my standards you have definitely done the rub. It's actually all I can think about."

She blushed. "Oh, okay." She raised her hand, "Yes, I have most definitely done the rub on him."

Dong Hua couldn't help but smile.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now