Chapter 32 - A Study in Refinement

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When Dong Hua had sent word to Zhong Lin and Si Ming that they were to meet him later to eat hot pot with the little highness, they met to try to decipher what this all meant.

"His Majesty has never asked us to eat with him before. This is something we would never dare to do. What do you think this is all about?" asked Zhong Lin, his face quite perplexed.

"Perhaps, he's testing us." Si Ming, scratching his chin.

They were both deep in thought, and walked in a circle, one after another, their bells jingling at times in unison, at times, not.

"I think it best that we don't look at the little highness at all at lunch," said Si Ming.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't that be rude? She's so friendly to us

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"Are you sure? Wouldn't that be rude? She's so friendly to us."

"You know how possessive Dijun is with her," said Si Ming. "He might think we're trying to ogle her or something."

"But shouldn't he know us by now? I mean we treat her as if she's our mistress." Zhong Lin scratched his head.

Si Ming shot him a wide-eyed look and then scanned around the courtyard paranoid that someone else would have heard. "Are you trying to get us killed with calling her that?" spouted Si Ming.

"I mean come on ... you know, the Mistress of Tai Chen Palace, not our mistress, not that kind of mistress. I mean at this point she's basically the female role of Dijun, to us, except sweeter, nicer, generous, warm, more pleasant to be around ..."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you've made your point."

"I think we should just play it by ear, just take Dijun's lead. I mean that's basically our whole life here, anyway, right?" said Zhong Lin.

"I suppose," replied Si Ming. "I'm probably just overthinking things. The little highness would never let anything happen to us. She has all the power in this dynamic. If she and Dijun go head to head, my bet is on her to crush him."

"Same here. I've been here a long time and I've never seen Dijun act so out of sorts."

Si Ming, sighed in agreement. "But I have to admit she's brought a kind of amusement and energy that Tai Chen Palace has never had. Hey, so how have you been doing with your bells?"

 Hey, so how have you been doing with your bells?"

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The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now