Chapter 28 - Infinitely More Beautiful

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The little fox princess continued to stand in front of Dong Hua awkwardly while looking at him as if she were waiting for some sort of instruction. He took a step towards her and could feel her slightly backing away. He studied her for a second before taking some of his long silvery hair and offered it up to her. She took it in her hand unsure of what to do and he turned and took a step. He looked back at her. He took another small step forward and looked behind over to her. 

"Follow me, little fox, I'll lead you out of this confusing labyrinth." 

And so the former emperor of everything lead his little fox out of his crazy maze by using his hair as a leash, a tether, however one may call it. He made sure to take small steps for her and she followed closely behind him clutching his hair. As he was walking down one of the endless aisles between his shelves, he noticed that one of the scrolls was out of its place and he stopped to rearrange it properly. 

When he did this, she bumped into his back and was about to fall down when he reached back with two fingers looped them into the sash at her waist and pulled her back close to him. With his other hand, he continued to put the scroll in its proper place before turning and looking at her. 

She was still shaken by the abrupt stop that almost knocked her down. She steadied herself on her feet. 

She was still holding tightly onto his hair and he wondered how much of that hair would still be connected to his head if she had truly fallen to the ground. 

"Breathe," he said softy to her. 

She didn't understand. Was everyone able to tell that she sometimes forgot to breathe? Dream Dijun and now Real Dijun. This made her feel embarrassed and she took in a deep breath and tried to continue the cycle. Then she realized that she never had a problem breathing before, it was only around the Dijuns. And Dream Dijun wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Real Dijun. She looked up at him and glared. This was his fault.

He looked down to see his little fox looking at him with the cutest scowl on her face. She looked unhappy. "Xiao Bai, what's wrong, little fox?" He noticed he was awfully close to her. He moved back a little. "I'm sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have stopped so quickly." 

While breathing, she noticed that Real Dijun had stepped back and he was looking at her with concern. She was surprised she could actually read this expression. 

Laoshi was right, she thought. If she could just observe rather than react, she would better able to know what to do next with her opponent. He apologized. Was this the fourth, fifth time, she wondered. She had lost track. But wasn't that good that she had lost track, she thought. He was apologizing more. She remembered when all she felt she could do for him to make things better was to apologize. The corners of her mouth relaxed. She shook her head, "it's nothing," she replied.

"Xiao Bai ... " He waited for her to protest his use of the nickname for her but she didn't. "Before I came in here to look for you, Zhong Lin said he needed to talk to you about something."

"About what?" She cocked her head slightly to the side. 

Dong Hua shrugged and looked back at her blankly. "I'm not sure, he just said he needed to talk to you, so when we get out of here, make sure you go find him." 

She nodded. She looked down at her waist and saw that his fingers was still hooked into her sash. She raised her little eyebrows at him. 

 He reluctantly unhooked his fingers from her sash and turned to start walking, looking behind him to make sure she'd follow.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now