Chapter 95 - Brown-Eyed Boy

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A/N: With the way my life is right now, shorter chapters are easier for me. I've been updating more frequently because I'm writing obsessively whenever I can. It's not due to having more time. It's not like life has miraculously decided that THIS STORY IS A PRIORITY.

But I shall ;)


It's him again and his punchable face said Cang Yi.

All of her friends were on a shared telepathic channel while Yun Hao was trying to make conversation with the little highness.

Hey isn't he supposed to take a shit now? Isn't that what Xiao Jiu said? asked Cheng Xi.

Yeah, I don't think it counts unfortunately since he wasn't here when she said it, said Jiang Yu. Besides, my grandmother worked really hard to put this together and—

His friends all snickered.

Shen Wu spoke up. Just let Xiao Jiu deal with it. I think sometimes people don't understand how capable she is. Besides, Dong Hua Dijun is here. I'm pretty sure he'll bring a shitstorm if Yun Hao tries anything. We should make sure to eat as much of the good food as possible before your grandmother's aromatic garden starts smelling like some fat baby's diaper.

Her friends were all involved in their conversation and were completely surprised when the little highness and the punchable young man stood up.

"Whoa Xiao Jiu, where are you going?" asked Ling Yue.

"The banquet hasn't fully started yet so I asked Her Highness to take a little walk with me. It's a beautiful evening. I don't know much about medicinal herbs and she seems to have some knowledge so I've asked her to share it with me," said Yun Hao as he flashed a confident and relaxed smile.

Xiao Jiu, are you sure? asked Cang Yi as they added her to their telepathic conference.

Yeah, I know you guys don't like him but it's just a walk around.  And I'm curious to see what he's like for myself, she replied.

Xiao Jiu if you need any back up the whole table is here for you, said Zhang Feng.

I know, and I have Dijun too. This shouldn't take too long. Don't eat all the potatoes, those are my favorite so far!

Her friends assured her that there would be plenty for her when she returned.


The gardens were well-tended and the evening breeze enhanced the earthy and minty smells. The sky was a hazy light purple with an abundance of scattered stars.

They were not far from the banquet as the lively sounds of conversations and clanking wine cups could be heard.

She was curious about this Yun Hao who had made his second attempt to talk to her. Ever since she had been in the Nine Heavens she rarely ever had the chance to talk to someone alone or meet someone new without the presence of others. Even when she had wanted to make friends at the Phoenix Flower Exhibition, she was chaperoned by either Mogu or her male friends.

Yun Hao had been a complete gentleman as they meandered along the edge of the gardens as he asked her about specific herbs and their medicinal properties. He was mindful to keep his distance while still staying close enough to facilitate an engaged conversation.

He could tell by her casual friendliness that she had no idea of the marriage proposal he had sent to Tai Chen Palace.

"Your Highness has great knowledge for herbal medicine for someone so young."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now