Chapter 53 - There's a First For Everything

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A/N: Have no idea who created the above graphic but it's adorable, so credit goes to the artist. Also, I just wanted to say that no one who knows me IRL (in real life, I literally learned what that meant a year ago from one of my younger clients, at the time of this note I'm 41) has read my novel. I'm a very private person and this story has become incredibly personal and beloved. That's why I'm so protective of the original/unique aspects of my story and am irked when bits and pieces of it show up elsewhere. 

That being said, I have greatly appreciated each kind comment, vote, and expressions of support from readers. That's what I try to stay focused on. This story was birthed during the covid pandemic and I have yet to fulfill my dream of sitting in a bustling bubble tea cafe, with my earphones on, typing furiously away on my laptop - fueled by caffeine and boba, and like what Xiao Bai would say, until my stomach hurts ;) Thank you to you guys for helping me feel connected during these times. Feeling connected helps me stay in a relaxed body and that helps me stay present for the work that I do. When my other therapist friends check-in on me to see how I've been doing personally and professionally during the pandemic, they are always pleasantly surprised to hear how chill and upbeat I am (while still having a healthy respect for the struggles that others are facing now). I mention briefly about how I've been writing and how it's kept me globally connected and grounded. I internally smile about how a lovestory about a socially awkward almighty god and a charming chatterbox little fox princess keeps me grounded, you know, but hey, whatever works. Cheers to all of us who are trying to find what works while we get through the rest of this strange year. ❤️ 


When Dong Hua and the little fox princess emerged from his blue luminescence at the steps of the throne room, several immortals who happened to witness this scene could not stop staring

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When Dong Hua and the little fox princess emerged from his blue luminescence at the steps of the throne room, several immortals who happened to witness this scene could not stop staring. He had his arm around her waist and she was comfortably plastered to his chest. 

Aura-traveling took precious cultivation and energy. Taking anyone into one's aura was seen as particularly burdensome and therefore was reserved for emergency situations, significant others, or loved ones such as family members.

It had been circulating among certain circles that Dong Hua might adopt Her Imperial Highness Bai Feng Jiu as his goddaughter. It made perfect sense to all the nosy Celestials who were gossiping about this. Due to the almighty god's appreciative staff, there was nothing but kind and positive comments that were being shared about Her Highness. It was unanimously agreed upon that she was a breath of fresh air that was desperately needed at the immaculate yet sterile Tai Chen Palace.

There were two camps when it came to the adoption prediction. The first camp, felt that Dong Hua was doing this mainly due to the concept of debt repayment. First, he was acknowledging the Fox Emperor, Bai Zhi, who was the most loyal and brave soldier in Dong Hua's army during the Great Wars. Second, the debt that was truly being repaid, was when Her Highness saved his life several times. Having saved the former emperor of Heaven and Earth was unparalleled merit. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now