Chapter 118 - Throw Down Pt. II

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She broke away breathlessly from his kiss when she heard her father's voice yelling out, "Feng Jiu!! Your mount's gastrointestinal issues are out of control! This is unacceptable!"

She looked around to see that everyone's eyes were closed trying to stabilize the qi in their meridian pathways.

The Fox Emperor grunted in laughter. "Son, lower your voice. This kind of smell should be normal to a parent. I raised five of you and you don't think when you were wee kits out eating mud, leaves, and sticks you didn't come home releasing such foul odors? Once I had to step on a pile of shit so you wouldn't try to stick your little snout into it."

"Please father, the God of War is right here. Please refrain from recalling such shameful stories," whispered an embarrassed Bai Yi.

Mo Yuan was sitting with his eyes closed, smoke coming out from his head as a small smile curled over his lips.

"Eh, you were too busy with your administrative affairs to be a father or else you'd be used to it. Xiao Jiu may be small but her mammoth appetite tested her intestines many times as a kit, which in turn tested us. You cannot imagine the amount of diapers she ended up soiling into devastation so we just let her run around in the nude whether she was in her fox form or as an immortal toddler."

Bai Zhi shook his head with eyes closed. "Those were hard days for us but especially for Migu. He kept running after her with these big leaves to try to catch any droppings. You insisted on making your wife travel everywhere with you and let the rest of the fox den take care of your child. Now this is your karma. Deal with it son," he said with a stifled grin.

Upon hearing her grandfather's story, she bashfully hid her face into her mate's shoulder to which he softly chuckled and kissed the top of her head. He discreetly threw a sound privacy barrier over them.

"Since I raised Mogu, I'm not afraid of a little or a lot of gas. Besides, I can easily stop breathing without it affecting me so it looks like you've found the perfect mate for you" he whispered down to her.

He knew he didn't need to whisper but it was a form of intimacy they shared that he had come to love. "Is this why you're always trying to assaultively make me pass gas? To normalize it for you? Hmm?"

She squirmed in his embrace. She tried to change the subject. "Hey, how come I don't feel the effects of Mogu like everyone else?"

"I made sure to make you immune to it."

She smiled brightly up at him. "How romantic," she whispered.

With so many High Gods and Goddesses in the fox den, excessive use of magic would be easily noticed. He instead took the opportunity while everyone was still sitting with their eyes closed purifying Mogu's miasma to lean down and softly nibble on her lips. He kissed and sucked on her upper lip to her bottom lip before seeking entry into the space between to find her soft warm tongue.

Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she'd be kissing him like this in the fox den with her family all around them.

Dong Hua had to harness all the self-control he could to prudently pull himself away from her.

"I cannot stop kissing you," he whispered.

He gazed into her dark eyes that held a warmth that melted him from the inside out." But these moments are precious to me. They are more than worth the risk of your father clawing my eyes out."

He noticed her lips adorably pursed together attempting to restrain her sheer delight in his admission.

"Dijun, what about the wings?" she asked while she twirled some of his long white hair through her fingers.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now