Chapter 114 - The Whisper Of A Promise

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A/N: I know everyone is waiting for DH. I wanted to include life at the fox den to show a glimpse of what her upbringing was like. I also wanted to explore family or origin/family or choice issues. There are specific unique conditions that allowed Feng Jiu/Xiao Bai to grow into the playful sweet young woman who could unconditionally love and melt the heart of the stone-faced god. There are also reasons that have given rise to her awkwardness and insecurities, that only he was able to hold and soothe with his gentle devotion. 

(Image credit: "Soulkeeper" artwork by Jonas Jodicke

As usual thanks for all the votes and kind and hilarious comments! :)


At the entrance of the fox den stood the Snow Lion in all of his glory.

"Look who I was able to retrieve while strolling home from my morning defecation," he announced proudly.

Everyone looked towards the entrance of the fox den. Even Ye Hua and Bai Qian popped their heads out from the kitchen as Migu stepped out from Bai Zhi's study.

An uncomfortable Bai Yi shifted awkwardly in his aloof stance next to the beast. Flanking his side was Feng Jiu's mother.

"I present the fox mother and the fox father," said Mogu in his best announcer voice.

Bai Yi gave the beast an odd look.

"With all due respect, Snow Lion, I was born and raised in the Royal Fox Den. My wife and I needed no ... retrieval ..." said Bai Yi quietly.

"Also, you do not need to announce our arrival, they are aware of who we are," he added curtly.

"Dear, the Snow Lion is simply trying to be helpful. He is now our daughter's mount. And of all the mounts, she has him, the most powerful immortal beast. I believe this is his first visit to the fox den. He just wants to be part of things," said Feng Jiu's mother soothingly.

"I know him. He wants to control things," whispered an agitated Bai Yi back to his wife.

Mogu purred and looked over towards the fox mother. He was about to announce that he had been to the fox den previously when he first met the screaming tree man. He was there to deliver the golden walnuts and the note to his master's small favorite person. The beast thought it over and decided that information should be kept invisible for now.

"The fox mother is correct. I am now the mount of your offspring, Her Highness Bai Feng Jiu. I have met your mate previously when he came to collect my mistress ... prematurely. But we have arrived on our own stead. Ding and Dong will also be arriving later. Please make accommodations for them."

"So Ding and Dong are really coming?" asked Bai Yi curiously.

Mogu stared at him with great intensity as he spoke with a low guttural resonance. "I have been the mount of Dong Hua Dijun, the unifier of all the realms and former Heavenly Emperor before you finished weening off the fox milk.  Do you expect me to wipe my rear on the grass after I have taken a squat? I have manservants, the dingdongs that do the deed," huffed out the immortal beast speaking as eloquently as he could. 

"They must do the wipe because my fur is immaculate as snow. No imperfections can be shown on me. Your smaller brother offered his assistance this morning but I graciously declined. I simply put forth effort to spread my legs further apart for my squat this morning."

Bai Zhen almost spit out a mouthful of tea from his elegant lips. "What the—I made no such offer!" he whispered fiercely to Zhe Yan.

Zhe Yan leaned into his mate and started whispering. "Look we all know that your second brother was born with something up his backside. Despite my somewhat hesitant yet stealthy medical exams, I have yet to find out what it is," said the old phoenix sarcastically.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now