Chapter 124 - The Art of Pillow Talk Pt. II

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"You love my octopus tentacles don't you?" he asked as he propped his upper body with his elbow to gaze down at her. 

She smiled up at him and softly smacked her lips in reply.

Dong Hua felt a soft growl thrum in his throat.

He marveled at the self-control he had had with her. Desire was something he had not experienced until she came into his life. Even then, he had struggled to sort out what desire was to him and what he should do with it. There were so many pieces that needed to fall into place for them to be where they were now.

They were naked in her bed in Qing Qiu, under her magical ceiling that opened up to the faint glow of the full moon and its seemingly subordinate stars. His large frame eclipsed hers as he ran his large cold hand up the side of her smooth warm torso. She sighed with contentment under the tender touch of each slow leisurely stroke of his thumb over the rosy peak of her soft breast.

He felt like the saying "good things come to those who wait" should be first amended to "good things come to those who understand exactly why they need to wait." Then there was "good things come to those who can practice discernment." He knew he did not inherently deserve her love just because he wanted her. The waiting was also only half of it. It was what was done during the waiting that mattered more. Dong Hua, a supposedly wise, tactical, almighty god had needed to learn this lesson. It was simple, yet it wasn't easy. He knew he would spend the rest of his life mastering this important stratagem with her.

While waiting, he cultivated and curated a safe physical, psychological, and emotional nest that allowed for them to have the time to traverse through their complicated and rich dynamic.

And then there were her vibrant inner thoughts and desires that were her own. Those were variables he could have never controlled for but learned that he affected by his body, speech, and mind.

Her presence in his life demanded that he practice mindfulness with the very things he had stopped caring about. He should have known.

When they had finished watching the last sunrise under their Celestial tree and he was starting to fray at his energetic ends at their impending separation, she had taken him into her aura. When the sun reached its zenith that morning, so too did her love for him. Her internal compass had quietly and unconsciously divined his magnetic field. She had chosen him. Taking him into her aura was the first act of healing she was able to do for him as her mate. Her most intimate, fearless and powerful magic had always been reserved only for him.

And as quickly as she had brought them together, he had disassembled them by his inability to fully express himself after he came out of seclusion and had left her secluded in a misunderstanding.

Despite that, his little fox had still found her own way to curl up to him to keep him warm, for an eternity if needed. His eyes misted at the times he thought she was clueless to his love. She had felt it. It's what kept her by his side this whole time.

And then the realization hit him like the impact of a meteor into the earth that had been made soft from a recent rainstorm. It stuck.

They were now both unbound from the limits he had unknowingly placed on them. They were now free to love the other as ardently as they had both once secretly wanted to.

"What's wrong, Dijun?" she asked as she reached up to caress the side of his face. He was lost in one of his blank stares. His eyes were wet. "You seem far away. Come back to me," she said in her small but directive voice.

"I'm sorry I left you and your devotion alone in the dark. I didn't know how to tell you I had left the door to my soul open for you. Yet, somehow, your fox senses sniffed it out." She could hear remorse where his tone would normally be indifferent.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now