Chapter 129 - Delicate Matters

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The men of the Royal Fox Den came back with only demon blood stains over their clothes. Liu Jun was impressed. Bai Zhi Dijun had dumped forty-two demon carcasses from his aura onto the grass. 

The old fox shrugged his shoulders. He looked up at Liu Jun. 

"Eh! Boy, don't judge us. We snuffed them all out. I was regretful there wasn't more. Out the group of you and Dijun, we've come in last place but give me a bigger nest and that pile, too, will be in this yard."

Liu Jun put his hands together respectfully and bowed. "I would not dare to judge Your Majesty."

"Father, what are we going to with all of these dead bodies?" asked Bai Yi warily. 

"We've put the bodies in stasis so they won't decompose into black ash but the stench needs to be sterilized. Your daughter's mount will not have to hunt if he's in Qing Qiu. Feeding him while he protects her is a kind of hospitality Qing Qiu is known for. Since you lost the competition earlier, you will take care of these bodies," said the old fox matter-of-factly. 

"I only lost because I'm still healing from the chicken wing challenge," said Bai Yi quietly with a frown.

"Hey that was your choice to challenge Dong Hua Dijun. Even father who's hungover killed more than any of us," said First Brother with a smirk. 

"Hung what? My son say that again and you will be on dead body duty with your little brother," warned the Fox Emperor while shaking a finger at him. 

The old fox huffed. "I'm perfectly fine. Let's go in and clean up for our morning meal. Xiao Jiu will no doubt have made something tasty for us. I've also asked High God Mo Yuan to join us for breakfast. I had no idea he'd eventually be providing a boarding school for the fox princesses of our family. But here we are. If Xiao Jiu has a little female kit I'm sure she'd end up putting her time in Kun Lun as well."

"Boy, you come in for breakfast, too, and have jolly times with us. No worries about guarding the den. These pile of dead bodies will deter anyone who wishes us ill."


When everyone changed clothes and settled at the tables for breakfast, no one expected what would happen next.

Dong Hua walked out wearing an apron. He looked indifferently at everyone.  

"Breakfast is almost ready," he said in a completely monotone voice and then walked back into the kitchen.

Zhe Yan and Mo Yuan looked at each other.

"What the heavenly fuh—" said Zhe Yan before he was interrupted by Mo Yuan.

"It's an ambush," said the God of War quietly while he stroked his baby beard.

The Fox Emperor leaned over from his table and tugged at the sleeve of Zhe Yan's rose-colored robe.

"Eh, are we dying? I've teased him too much, haven't I? I haven't spoken this irreverently to him in the whole time I've known Dijun. I just never thought he'd be my grandson-in-law. I've pushed my luck too far, haven't I?"

The old phoenix ignored the rambling worried old fox. "You all do understand that while I am the most revered physician in all of the realms, I cannot simultaneously treat all of your life-threatening injuries and mine as well? Dong Hua is also a physician, albeit retired. He still remembers how to use poisons. I've heard stories about his sweet and sour fish."

"You really didn't need to add the whole 'most revered' part. That was extra," said Mo Yuan.

"And that last sentence of yours? Was far ... too... extra," said Zhe Yan with a sarcastic smirk.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now