Chapter 58 - Toddler Talking Points

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As Dong Hua walked back to his room and sat down at his reading table, he couldn't help but softly touch the tip of his nose. 

He had been so distracted by the unfortunate injury to her hand during her rough-play demonstration. His fingers lightly pressed on his abdomen. She had referred to it as his "rock-hard body." 

He frowned. He already had a reputation for being stone-faced, stone-hearted, and now his body was a rock. His jaws were too strong and his teeth too sharp. How could he ever master soft-play or better yet, sweet-play if his poor little fox was constantly getting injured by him. Zhong Lin had mentioned something about playing "a little slower ... and a little softer, injuries can be avoided." Dong Hua knew he would need to carefully consider his loyal steward's recommendations.

When Dong Hua followed her out to ask her that question, he was already resolved to do whatever he needed to do to get the result he wanted. He was almost sure she'd agree. Still, it was important for him to know that this was indeed something she wanted, given how it would affect her. 

He thought back to her reaction and how that had pleased him greatly.

"Xiao Bai, what do you think about removing Hao De from the throne? Would you like to do that with me? Overthrow the Tianjun?" 

"Would I? Oh, most definitely, yes, Dijun!" Her eyes gleamed with excitement. "He doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself. I'll do anything to help you remove him from power. Bai Feng Jiu is at your service, Dijun!" She gave him the biggest hug by launching herself at him. She was so light it was too easy to pick her up, his sweet little subversive bundle of vigilante social justice. 

The next thing she did caught him by surprise. When she rose up on her tiptoes, he had hoped she would give him a tender fox kiss. He leaned down into her anticipating the soft nuzzle of her nose. 

Instead, she came at him like a projectile from a blowgun, bopping his nose with hers. It mostly certainly wasn't a fox kiss.  It was too rabid to be considered soft-play, yet too charming to be considered rough-play. It was surely too aggressive to be considered sweet-play and despite the risk of losing his eye if he had misplaced his nose several inches, he found himself completely intoxicated by her consistent playfulness with him. He had never met someone who wanted to continually engage in physical contact with him that was not of a sexual nature. 

Although he had found Hao De's performance as Tianjun grow increasingly subpar over the years, Dong Hua never cared about it enough to seriously intervene. If the Nine Heavens didn't quake and its pillars didn't topple over, the former emperor of Heaven and Earth was content to continue fishing, reading, meditating and staring off into space.

 All it took was that morning in court when Hao De dared to snarl at his little fox. Her comment to Dong Hua about how she didn't like how Tianjun treated his own people made the almighty god think about how neglectful he had been. While unlike himself, his little fox held no power in her paws to challenge and confront Hao De. She found her own ways to find her own brand of justice while Dong Hua, who held all the power is his hands, lounged with his tea doing nothing for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Since the little highness would represent Qing Qiu occasionally at court, the thought of Hao De being rude or worse, threatening to his little fox was not something Dong Hua could accept. She already had the weight of her kingdom on her little shoulders and she did not need to deal with some pompous patronizing despot. 

Since she would be a queen, learning about political intrigue, regime change, and overthrowing dictatorships would be a vital part in her development. While having her as his assistant was more of a ruse to keep her close, he knew that her time spent with him would be more valuable if he was able to impart his many years of knowledge and experience to her. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now