Chapter 98 - The Informant

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(Image credit - Dušan veverkolog at


Dong Hua regarded his mount and the stupor he was in. The beast did not seem to be in pain due to the misdosage of pain medication Dong Hua had administered to him last night.

"Mogu, please I need your help."

The beast again opened one eye after the other. His eyes appeared to have trouble focusing on anything. He leisurely opened his massive jaws and released an equally massive yawn. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as his heavy lids drooped.

"Your mistress is missing. She is possibly in danger," Dong Hua said in a firm tone.

This seemed to get his mount to be somewhat responsive. He lifted his head up slowly as if his neck muscles could barely manage it and stared off into space. Dong Hua was trying to figure out if the beast was thinking or if he was in a narcotic haze.

"Master lost Mistress," grumbled out the beast.

Dong Hua realized Mogu was mad.

There was no time for pride or ego. He hung his head low before his mount. 

"I have. And I need your help to find her. Tell me. Please. Where did you take her before you got hurt?"

Mogu shook his head vigorously. He felt groggy and tired and could not shake the feeling away. When Dong Hua had tried to rouse him he was dreaming of climbing a large tree with his strong hind legs.

"Who is the quiet man?" asked Dong Hua. "And the ballsack boys?"

Mogu felt completely conflicted. For him, things were always very black and white. It was this or that. To kill or not. To sleep or not. Mark this tree or that tree. To defecate now or later. Here or there.

"Mistress said cannot tell Master."

Dong Hua nodded as he stroked his mount's mane. 

"Mistress trusts you very much. And you are the most loyal mount. But she may be in danger and I need to help me find her. Neither you or I are with her and she is being hunted, Mogu, do you understand me?"

She was hopefully still wearing his pendant. It would protect her from physical harm but he knew the demons had all sorts of insidious ways of torturing and inflicting pain upon their enemies.

Mogu released a low rumbling growl. His mind was foggy and his faculties were impaired. His eyes were glassy and unfocused.

"She went to talk to the quiet man. He is invisible."

"Invisible?" The almighty god's face darkened. "Is he that powerful?" Dong Hua thought about the countless beings he had encountered over his long years. He tried to think of anyone with strong invisibility powers.

"And what else? Mogu tell me everything you remember."

"The ballsack boys all came to Mistress. They fondled her."


"She liked it. She fondled them back. Everyone watched."

Dong Hua shook his head. "Mogu, I'm sure you must have misunderstood. Perhaps they were ... her friends," he said with a feeling of uncertainty.

"She wanted to me to decapitate the invisible man. Then she changed her mind."

Perhaps they weren't really friends after all, he thought.

"Was she in danger Mogu? What kind of evil being is this that your mistress, who is the sweetest and kindest soul would have you decapitate him?"

The beast grumbled and closed his eyes before shaking his head. "Mogu cannot remember."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now