Chapter 13 - Grieving Mindfully

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The little highness was rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably as Dong Hua was telling her the story of him impersonating her in the Jiu Hua Mountains. He was reclining against his favorite Celestial tree facing the lake, his purple robe was like a blanket, flowing out over his sprawled out legs. This is where she had cracked walnuts and teased him with her tail. He would be sad to leave this tree.

She was sitting diagonally in front of him to his left eagerly listening to his tale when he got to the part where Yang Kai thought he was kissing Feng Jiu. He told her how he materialized in his true form and the devastated poor fool had his lips on Dijun's throat. She bursted out into hysterics, fell back into the grass and laughed until her tummy hurt. 

He looked down at her, arms flailing, then holding her stomach while she laughed. With all the rolling around, bits of twigs, grass, pink flower petals, and leaves tangled up her hair. She looked up at him still giggling. No one would know this was the future Queen of Qing Qiu. Living in the Nine Heavens for so long, he had never seen another immortal roll around in the grass having it look as natural and cozy as she did. She was a young Fox Immortal and was most comfortable outside in nature. He had never known anyone like her.

After her fit of laughter had calmed down, she didn't get up from the grass. She simply raised her head slightly and placed the side of her face on his leg, slightly above his knee. He was happy to know she still felt comfortable with him.  After that night where he cradled her in his arms until she feel asleep, he hadn't dared to touch her again. He had learned so much about what she had suffered through. Apart from touching her braid, he wasn't sure if he should reach out to her like all the times he'd done in the past. He didn't want her to feel the slightest bit violated or restrained. 

She looked up at Dong Hua, her smiles quickly faded and her mouth pouted into a frown. "Ew, that means he was trying to kiss me." She closed her eyes and shook her head shuddering. 

"He will never be able to do that to you again," Dong Hua said softly but definitively. 

"Dijun, you took the kiss for me, therefore that means you have suffered greatly." She looked at him intently.

He sighed. "Well, you did save me twice, so consider that a repayment for one of those times."

She nodded. She rested her small hand over his leg and slipped it under her cheek. She readjusted her head to get more comfortable, drawing her knees closer into her body. 

"Continue Dijun, tell me what happened next." She brought a pink petal up to her nose to take in its fragrance.

He continued telling his story while making sure to mention how he brandished Cang He because a sword always enhances the look of a hero. She especially loved the parts where he threatened to use his sword to smear Yang Kai's internal organs and blood vessels all over the mountains. He told her how he'd summon his spiritual Snow Lion to help him to terrorize Yang Kai and to make him feel a similar kind of pain he'd inflicted on her. 

"Hey Dijun, what happened to him, you know, down there. I saw there was a lot of bleeding."

Dong Hua feigned ignorance. "I don't know what you mean, Xiao Bai," he said with a blank look on his face, looking out onto the lake.

Feng Jiu became frustrated and pounded his leg with her little fist. "Dijun, I know you think I'm just a kit, but I know things."

"Oh? You do? Tell me, what do you know?" He raised an eyebrow down at her.

"Did you tell the Snow Lion to castrate him?" He was surprised she was being so direct.  He took in a deep inhale and exhaled as he looked back out satisfyingly at the lake. A small smirk formed on his lips.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now