Chapter 61 - And So There Was Blood

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A/N:  A big thank you for everyone's interest, comments, and votes on this story!


As the sun began to set, Xiao Jiu suggested they take another walk around the house to finalize their plan of attack.

She said she'd wait with them under an invisibility barrier just outside of the house until it was time for everyone to move into their respective posts. The demon guards would no doubt do a sweep of the house first so she wouldn't be able to wait by herself there. They all agreed that a collective invisibility barrier would be much more effective due to their combined powers. Individual invisibility would only last temporarily.

"I'm going to run into the house in my fox form, so you guys will need to cover me while I make my way in. Once I'm in, I'll hide somewhere until it's time for me to come out to lay waste to those sorry sons-of-bitches," she said with a swagger that impressed even the ballsy Shen Wu.

She looked around the main room of the house. "I'll hide here," she said before hopping into a big vat.

 "I'll hide here," she said before hopping into a big vat

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Her friends smiled nervously at her cute gestures. They were still uneasy with leaving her alone with the demons.

She effortlessly jumped out. 

"Ok, let's go outside to scout the area where we'll wait for them." They decided that it would be strategically better for them to wait just outside of the house so they'd be able to see the full onslaught and number of demons coming in.

She stood briefly looking out at the hazy orange and pink horizon where the sun had set. 

"Do you like sunsets, Your Highness?" asked Cang Yi as he looked out to where she was gazing. "If you do, it would be my pleasure to show you the view of the sun setting in the Nine Heavens where the Zhi Yue mountains border. The colors aren't as brilliant as in the Mortal Realm, but it's still quite beautiful," he said while still smiling softly at her.

"Thanks Cang Yi, that's very nice of you to offer ...  perhaps," was all she said before turning back to join their group of friends.

They sat near a tree under a collectively-powered invisibility shield with a privacy barrier thrown over it. Ling Yue passed around some jerky and dried fruit he magically conjured.

"Hey, remember that meat should not be paired with fruit. The meat takes way longer to digest and fruit barely takes any time. When you eat them together, the fruit is stuck in the digestive tract blocked by the meat that's still waiting to be broken down by enzymes. So the fruit just putrefies in the gut and causes fermentation and a bunch of other nasty things to happen."

Her friends made a variety of grossed out faces.

"You know she's right," said Jiang Yu. "Just because we're immortals doesn't mean we don't have consequences."

Ling Yue immediately made the dried fruit disappear.

"What, no wine?" she asked innocently.

"Uh, we figured we'd need to be at our sharpest so I nixed the wine," said Ling Yue.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now