Chapter 149 - And So It Melts

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A/N: This chapter was inspired by the BTS song, Spring Day (which is actually a very sad song). It reminds of their years apart when he was in seclusion and how that was their winter. Thanks to Mandajiu for the link:

The lyrics help to get the feel of the song and why it's relevant here.

It's finally spring for them.🌸


The sun was setting.

Dong Hua had strategically affixed their bed within the upper canopy of the forest. He knew she loved feeling held and nestled. The branches of the trees were strong arms with their thousand green vibrant handprints of leaves splayed out against the cerulean blue sky. He had chosen a spot where their vantage point for the sunset would not be obstructed.

She sat quietly with her back against his chest, having folded her legs neatly into overlapping v-shapes to the side. When they had turned to face the sun, who was readying its descent into slumber, he had suggested putting a blanket over his cross-legged lap to make it more comfortable for her. She simply shook her head. Strands of her long raven hair tickled his bare chest.

"I like this," she whispered so softly he barely could hear her.

He let his gaze rest over her, intently studying her face as she watched the softest collision of colors. Blazing shades of pinks and reds began to make way for the soft magenta bed the sun was slowly sinking into.

He felt her body breathe into his. Her soft warm belly pressed up against the arms wrapped around her waist. It retreated back to only nudge up against his secure hold when full with its next breath.

He never imagined he would see things this way. The penetrating truth about the most intimate act of all, was not of a sexual union, but the simple yet validating and unhurried interplay between the breath of two individuals, the feeling of safety found in the other — undeniable.

She slowly kneaded her fingers into his forearm. She blinked but never turned her gaze from the setting sun.

They had been silent the whole time. To her, the sun was a luminous guardian and she treated its descent into respite with reverence. He knew that during these moments, she often came upon deep truths for herself.

"It's not a peach," she whispered still looking out as the bright orange-yellow sphere began losing its shape into the horizon. She was referring to how he had called it "the biggest peach in Qing Qiu."

"Oh?" That was not the flash of insight he was expecting from her.

"It's more like an egg yolk."

He nodded into the top of her head, letting his nose brush against her soft hair. Her floral peach blossom scent was sweet, feminine, and soft. It was everything he was not.

"A dried salty egg yolk." He knew that was one of her favorite flavors.

"Mmm," she murmured quietly in agreement as she watched the sun incrementally lower itself and its rays into relaxed submission to the encroaching dark blue and violet tones of night.

She only started speaking again when the sun had disappeared beneath the horizon, leaving peach hues against a golden lining. 

"Can we go back to the Nine Heavens soon?"

Again, she spoke quietly but her words were defined and clear.

"I thought you wanted to spend time with your family. We can stay here as long as you want."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now