Chapter 88 - Let Us Go/You and I

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A/N: I can't tell you guys how great it is to see so many laughing emojis, lol-ing, and hahas in the comments. Sore abdominals are always high praise. Your comments often make me haha right back. So, I had a few people ask/mention how I come up with this stuff, especially the comedy bits so I thought I'd just make a general note. The short answer is I have no idea. It just comes. But, for me, good writing comes when I've got lots of uninterrupted time. I get into a zone where I can literally visualize the story, the voices, all of it, I sink into the characters and I just type. The only way I can describe it is it's like a movie playing in my mind, but I get to choose what happens next. Sometimes, if I'm experiencing writers block I step away and take the dogs for a walk. I have a notebook where I jot down thoughts. Washing dishes also strangely gives me ideas but I would never tell my husband that. Also, there are no beta readers for my story. No one I know IRL has read this. I learned though that my litmus test is if I'm laughing my ass off while I'm writing it, it might get a laugh or two from you fine folks. I'm also an only child and grew up having to entertain myself endlessly so perhaps that's where I got my strange/vulgar/absurd sense of humor and imagination from. Thank you for all the kind comments and votes. Thank you for holding space for my story in this world 💗.


She was feeling tired so he had her recline back on Mogu's side as he sat across from her and began feeding her the warmed congee. When she had finished half of the bowl, she decided he needed some and so she took the bowl from him and fed him. He compliantly ate a few spoonfuls and insisted that he feed her the rest. It was a medicinal congee and there was a slight bitter taste from the herbs. Her rosy lips puckered slightly each time she worked the congee though her mouth before swallowing. When she had finished the bowl he fed her bits of honeyed jujube to take the bitterness away.

As she finished her treat she grabbed his hand and inspected the tips of his fingers.

"I know this is honey that's been fermented for a 1000 years. It had medicinal properties, doesn't it?"

He nodded.

"Then we shouldn't waste it. Can I?"

He didn't know what she was referring to but he automatically nodded his consent. His heart skipped a beat, or two or three, or even 20. He couldn't even tell while he watched her dark eyelashes fluttered closed as she lowered her mouth over his fingers one by one as she sucked and licked off the residual sweetness.

Her tongue was soft and warm as it swirled over the tip of his finger. The suction from her lips created a sensation of pressure that he had never felt before. A pool of warmth spread over his solar plexus and he fought to hide his shallow breathing.

"Mmm," she mewled out while she smacked her lips softly. "This honey will be delicious drizzled over some pieces of dragonfruit." She then proceeded to list various fruits, dishes, and baked goods that she thought would be good to pair with the honey.

He nodded to all of it but he barely heard a thing she said. He was concentrating on enjoying the memory of her mouth on his fingers. He knew she could have said she wanted to put honey on decapitated demon heads and he would have probably nodded agreeably to that too.

When Dong Hua was able to regroup and bring himself back to the present moment, he turned his attention to his mount.

Mogu was breathing heavily and the sleeping enchantment was wearing off. The beast had moved enough in his sleep and had kicked the blanket off. Dong Hua considered making the beast wear a pair of large pants but knew that Mogu would feel violated and betrayed by such an action. He let the sleeping enchantment naturally wear off without adding another one. He knew she was eagerly awaiting for friend to wake up.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now