Chapter 19 - Don't Dream It's Over

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A/N: Chapter title taken from the song by the Australian band, Crowded House.


They had moved her into Kun Lun that night after their conversation. Migu came to take care of her as she would only come in and out of consciousness, never staying awake for too long.

When Zhe Yan and Mo Yuan met with both Bai Qian and Bai Zhen to let them know about what had happened to their Xiao Jiu, Zhe Yan had to restrain his fox while Mo Yuan had to restrain his fox from storming into Tai Chen Palace to seek justice for their little niece. 

They planned to drag Dong Hua out of seclusion and would use their claws to gouge out the former ruler of Heaven and Earth's eyeballs. The plan was that they would each get one eye. Before they could divide up what other of Dong Hua's body parts they would lacerate, Mo Yuan lightly sedated them with magic. Zhe Yan then made them drink calming herbal tea.

Zhe Yan sighed. He felt like he should have known better and expected this. These immortal foxes had fiery tempers and were extremely protective of their own. When the siblings were calmer and more rational, they were told about the plan devised by the old gods.

Everyone agreed to leave her grandparents and parents in the dark to prevent any further drama. The Fox Emperor and Empress and Feng Jiu's parents would just be told that she would spend time at Kun Lun training under Mo Yuan. 

First and Third uncle, who didn't often visit the fox den as the other siblings due to ruling the farther distant lands of Qing Qiu, came back for their Xiao Jiu. They both transferred some of their cultivation to her to help her healing process. The old gods and the four remaining fox siblings discussed that her third uncle and first uncle would take turns taking care of Bai Zhen's governing and administrative duties of his lands, while he focused on training Xiao Jiu.

It had been some time since all the siblings, minus her father, Bai Yi had been together. Mo Yuan was a generous host to the foxes and Zhe Yan brought bottles of peach blossom wine. It was decided that no one would mention his name unless Xiao Jiu brought it up.

While the foxes ate and drank, telling stories of their mischievous little fox niece and all the times she made them worry, the two old gods went in to check on her. Migu had been by her side vigilantly and was excused to go out and eat with everyone. Zhe Yan sat by her bedside and checked the pulse on her wrist. He decided that she was well enough to be nudged with a little magic to be woken. He wanted to check on her psychological state.

Feng Jiu slowly opened her eyes. She was quiet for several moments before asking weakly "where am I?"

"You're at Kun Lun healing from your injuries, Xiao Jiu," said the God of War softly. She tried to sit up to give him a proper respectful greeting before he leaned over gently putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "There's no need. Rest as if you were in the fox den."

She nodded slowly. She laid back down and reached out for Zhe Yan's hand.

"Xiao Jiu, what do you remember?" asked the old phoenix. He didn't want to stress her further but needed to know where she was mentally.

"I tried to find him. But he yelled at me. He told me to never come to find him again," she erupted into tears and began crying into the side of her pillow. "He doesn't want me," she sniffled softy between sobs. "He doesn't want me."

The two old gods had been through numerous battles and plagues in their long lives but seeing a heartbroken little fox princess was almost too much for them to bear.

Zhe Yan softly stroked her hair and held her hand. He knew she needed to cry this out.

"I'm going to go get Seventeeth," Mo Yuan whispered and left the room.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now