Chapter 128 - The Morning After

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(Image not mine, found on Pinterest)


When he opened his eyes, the greeting from the twilight sky high above told him it wasn't even dawn yet. He took in a deep breath and felt a strong sense of rejuvenation.

Dong Hua rolled over to see her sitting at the edge of the bed pulling her long socks on. She had already retied her bells on her ankle that he had taken off last night. She was not wearing anything else but he spied her undergarments in a neat pile next to her.

He looked down at himself and realized he was fully clothed. He frowned.

She turned to look down at the bed for her undergarments when she realized she couldn't find them. She leaned over to see if they had accidentally fallen off the bed. Not seeing them on the floor, she turned behind her and realized where her undergarments had went.

 Not seeing them on the floor, she turned behind her and realized where her undergarments had went

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She initially frowned but then her lips curled into a smile. She loved watching him sleep. It was a rare occurrence since she always fell asleep first.

While she loved all of the features on his face, he was truly perfect to her, she was particularly fond of the shape of his lips.

She reached over and tried to carefully pull her undergarments away but he had already pulled his arms into his chest, taking them with him.

She crawled onto the bed like the small predator that she was. She reached over and was able to pinch two fingers to try with the softest of tugs to slowly untangle the small white handkerchiefs from him.

She squealed in half-delight half-fear as he pulled her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her.

She quickly realized she was actually on the bottom of their food chain, literally. There was no need to pull out her most vicious wrestling moves; she loved being underneath him like this.

"Dijun ..." she whispered. He dropped his hips into her but kept himself hovered over her chest by placing his elbows on both her sides, effectively trapping her underneath him.

"Why am I dressed, little fox? And why are you up? Why aren't you sleeping with me?"

"It's almost morning. I have to go make breakfast for the fox den. It's my role. It's how I contribute when I'm home with everyone," she said quietly. "I dressed you so you don't have to do it on your own when you wake up."

Dong Hua looked down at her and tried to make sense of what she was sharing. Life at the fox den was completely different then Tai Chen Palace. Dong Hua was perplexed. His little fox was an imperial princess. He didn't understand why she needed to get up early. He knew that everyone tended to help out with dinners and meals but couldn't someone else handle breakfast so his little fox could sleep in and get more rest.

"But you haven't slept enough yet. Also, you dressed me against my will. I demand to be stripped down. I want to be the wild man."

She smiled sweetly up at him. "Um, you're acting pretty wild already, Dijun."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now