Chapter 115 - Then So Be It

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Out of a bright golden luminescence emerged Mo Yuan next to Zhe Yan at the entrance of the fox den.

"So the quiet man finally comes," said Zhe Yan with a smirk.

"What did I miss?" asked the God of War quietly.

"Oh nothing much, just everyone thinking Xiao Jiu wanted to marry this handsome demon lad here," whispered Zhe Yan gesturing to Liu Jun.

"She calls him Scarface," added Bai Zhen.

Mo Yuan nodded. "Apt from what I assume is under the mask."

"Shifu," greeted Bai Qian brightly. "You came," she whispered.

"Seventeenth," he said with a small smile. "How could I miss seeing our Xiao Jiu in complete triumph and victory."

"Brother," said Ye Hua with a nod.

"Ye Hua, you look well," said Mo Yuan.

"If you guys are finished with your reunion, let's turn our attention to a sight we'll never see again. The former Heavenly Emperor on bended knee in front of us," whispered Zhe Yan.

"Dear, it's not for us," reminded Bai Zhen quietly, "it's for Xiao Jiu."

"Look, just let me pretend," said the old phoenix with a smirk while he fanned himself.


"Bai Zhi, Bai Yi, I have completely fallen in love with your granddaughter and daughter. There is no other match for me, not in any lifetime, any universe, or any reality besides her, my Xiao Bai," said Dong Hua.

Bai Zhi stood with furrowed furry brows and stroked his beard slowly. He was like everyone else, in shock that the unifier of the realms and former ruler of everything was on one knee in front of them.

When Dong Hua was at the fox den earlier with her and saw Migu with the piles of scrolls, he had secretly included his own, a marriage proposal. When Migu discovered this, he immediately sent it off to Bai Zhi who then insisted everyone come back home to celebrate his birthday. He figured that Dong Hua might come by for dinner to announce his intentions to marry his granddaughter but he had not ever imagined what was happening in the present moment.

Bai Zhi had long admired and once dutifully served under Dong Hua during the Great Wars. While he worried about their age difference, he knew that the almighty god did not waver on his decisions and made no decision lightly. He spoke to the Fox Empress and together they agreed to give their blessings as long as their granddaughter agreed to the match. They just hadn't known that things would play out in this way. 

"Dong Hua Dijun, please stand, you are the former Heavenly Emperor, you cannot kneel to us like this," said Bai Zhi.

"I can and I will," said Dong Hua simply but in a tone that conveyed conviction that would not be usurped.

He turned his gaze towards her, whose eyes were glossy and wet with tears.

"My first betrothal gift to my beloved was my mount, the Snow Lion. He is Mogu, whom you've already met."

The beast purred loudly and proudly while still on a bent forepaw.

"My second betrothal gift to my beloved ...."

He gestured towards the 154 neatly piled up demon heads.

"They were part of the orchestrators of the contagion that befell me which forced me into seclusion. While there were a few more, I chose this number specifically. One for every year my little fox and I had to be apart," he said while gazing warmly at her with a hint of sadness around the corners of his eyes.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now