Chapter 29 - An Extended Observation

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The little fox princess came back to Tai Chen Palace tired but feeling very productive. She had fulfilled her mission. She felt that by taking justice into her own paws, quite literally, she had done her part as future Queen of Qing Qiu to subdue the Celestial arrogance and picture perfect facade of the Nine Heavens. 

She was just a humble servant of the Law of Karma and was doing her part in the cosmic wheel of life. It was an idea that she could half take serious but also laugh at. 

After digging all of the holes and the traps, she went to the White Lotus Pond to wash her paws. She did not want Dijun to see her with dirty paws again; last time was simply too embarrassing. While there, she noticed a small branch and took a strong liking to it. She would add it to her collection of sticks and knew it would make a great play thing. 

She carried it in her mouth all the way home to the palace. The guards already knew to expect her back in her fox form and so they bowed to the little fox as she slow-trotted in. The servants and maids all bowed as she walked through the courtyard. Dong Hua had told them that the little highness might be in her fox form sometimes and that they should treat her with the same respect they normally would. She turned the corner to make her way down the pathway to her room and saw Dong Hua sitting and drinking tea in the courtyard near their rooms.

She walked up slowly, unsure of how to approach him. She could not read his expression as he saw her with her stick.

"What do you have there, little fox? Can I see it?" He noticed that even in her fox form she was still wearing his bells.

He had asked nicely enough so she came closer and sat down a couple of feet away from him with her stick still in her mouth.

"That's a nice stick you have there. You must have found it on your walk... Can you let me sand it down for you?"

She moved her mouth with the stick in it away from him. She was suspicious.

"I have to sand it down for you, otherwise you might get splinters. That'll hurt your little mouth. I'll do it right now so you can supervise my work. That way, you'll get it when I'm done. I promise that I'll give it back. You have my word. From the former ruler of everything to the future ruler of the Eastern Lands of Qing Qiu." He said it all so seriously she had no choice but to agree.

I've been playing with sticks for almost 30,000 years and have never had problems with splinters, but you're just a Celestial so what do you know... I suppose it's still nice of you to sand down all of my sticks.

In a spiritual fox form she couldn't talk to him so it was just a one-sided conversation.

"Come sit next to me," he patted the space next to him. She jumped up and gingerly deposited the stick into his lap. He conjured up a a grey stone with tiny holes in it. 

"Do you know what this?" She shook her head. "It's a pumice stone, a volcanic rock. It's very abrasive so it's perfect for sanding down wood. This is what I use for my woodcrafting projects."

Ohh, I know this rock! It's can also be pulverized down into a powder and can be used as medicine for insomnia, nervous disorders, and even gallbladder and urinary issues.

She wished she could speak to show off all she knew but she was quite lazy to change forms. Also, things seemed to be less awkward for them when she was in her fox form.

"It can also be used in medicine as well." For a moment Feng Jiu was worried he could read her mind. She decided to do a test.


The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now