Chapter 48 - Spill The Beans

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(Image of the above baqua was found on Pinterest and credit goes to the owner)


As the peach blossom wine bottle shattered on the ground, the God of War slowly opened his eyes.

He calmly stood up from the lotus position he had been sitting in

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He calmly stood up from the lotus position he had been sitting in. He walked over to the table and gently placed his hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"Give it a rest. I can tell you've depleted yourself greatly."

"Sorry about the wine bottle. I know it disturbed you. It just rolled away from me. I couldn't visually make out which direction it was rolling in so I couldn't catch it before it hit the floor."

The old phoenix pressed on some acupuncture points on his forehead. "My vision and senses are starting to fail me. Zhen Zhen, are you okay?"

"He's asleep," said Mo Yuan softly.

"Zhen Zhen?" Zhe Yan called out and looked over to his partner. Bai Zhen was soundly asleep resting the side of his face on Feng Jiu's letter. There was a small pool of saliva not far from the sleeping fox god's soft pink lips.

Zhe Yan reached across the table with his closed fan and tapped his partner gently on the shoulder.

Bai Zhen immediately woke up. Still groggy, he sat up after twitching his nose and scratching his face a few times. He looked up at Zhe Yan in a daze.

"Sorry. The brushstrokes in the letter started to swirl together. I closed my eyes for just a second and then ..."

"You guys have been looking at it ... this whole time?" Mo Yuan cautiously inquired.

"I thought that was the plan," said Zhe Yan slowly.

"Oh," said Mo Yuan softly.

"Oh, what? What have you been doing? We saw you over there with your eyes closed. It's fine we all needed a rest," said Bai Zhen.

"I ... wasn't resting. After I sat for hours trying to figure out Xiao Jiu's letter, I just thought it best that I copy the image of the letter into my mind's eye and then try to pick it apart in a meditation... that way my eyes don't get dry." Mo Yuan blinked vapidly at the duo.

"Why didn't we think of that?" asked Bai Zhen over to his partner. "I thought all the juice in my eyeballs were about to dry up."

"Ugh, don't call it juice," said Zhe Yan shaking his head in disgust.

"I'm sorry, I no longer have the presence of mind to choose flowery proper words to not offend your distinguised tastes. I've only been staring at this deranged work of art," he gestured to Feng Jiu's letter, "for what seems like an eternity. I'm ... about ... to... go... mad." Bai Zhen tersly bit off each of his final words as if his strong fox jaws were crunching through the toughest tree branches.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now