Chapter 96 - Your Assumptions

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Outside of the room, Dong Hua and the toddlers were hearing Yun Hao's screams which they imagined were erotic.

Dong Hua's face was unreadable as her friends became angry and livid. They wanted to charge through the door and cut Yun Hao into a million pieces. They knew the almighty god might be filled with so much rage that he couldn't even move.

"Dijun ... shouldn't we stop him?!! He's either tricked Xiao Jiu, I mean Princess Feng Jiu into doing something with him or he's getting off ... on something!" said Jiang Yu worriedly. He was shocked he had spoken up but it was obvious something needed to be done.

"Shit, is that degenerate actually shooting a load?" whispered Shen Wu.

Cang Yi jabbed him in the gut and gestured a warning look before slightly nodding over to the almighty god who stood still as a statue.


He was screaming, but he was not screaming due to pleasure.

When she had ran her fingers over his back and had examined his injuries, she was able to quickly assess that his injuries were not caused by a fall nor were they caused by objects such as a shelf falling onto him.

Curiously enough, his injuries were caused by strikes as if someone had hit him with great force on his back. Normally, she would always ask for permission, but she intuitively knew this covert fact-finding mission was important to assess the true nature of his pain. He had already been disingenuous about the cause of his injuries, what else had he lied to her about, she wondered.

She touched the side of his face, which in response to he moaned, and accessed a recent memory of him asking his brother to beat him repeatedly on the back. He had mentioned to his brother something about needing to make it believable that he had gotten hurt.

When he had decided to pull her hand onto a certain part of his body, she had already decided what needed to be done.

She squeezed and she squeezed very very hard.

Zhe Yan had drilled her relentlessly on doing physical exams at the peach forest when Mo Yuan allowed her down the mountain for short breaks. Bai Zhen and the old phoenix had recruited their trusted friends, all who Xiao Jiu knew from when she was a kit and who she treated like uncles. The experience was partly a reunion, drunken party, and then as a practicum for her.

Knowing that this was an integral part of her learning, her uncles and their friends eagerly took turns lying down as she poked and prodded at them. It was a fun time for all as they got to catch up with their Xiao Jiu.

Part two of her physical exam training was in Kun Lun. After heavy sparring between her uncles, if there were any injuries or soreness, however slight, she would be tasked to give them a physical exam, a pulse reading, and challenged to write an herbal prescription. Everything was supervised by Zhe Yan. Mo Yuan looked on with amusement as she would sometimes purposely press into an acupressure point that would make her uncles squeal, squirm, and sometimes cry.

Zhe Yan refused to allow her to practice any pelvis exams on anyone. He instead handed her a firm pillow which had a basic drawing of meridian points and anatomy. He also skipped the complexities of reproductive health and told her that when she was older he would provide appropriate instruction.

She had a habit of kneading into the practicing pillows absent-mindedly. It was a self-soothing behavior for her since she was a kit. It had started when she was banished to her room by her father when she was scolded. She kneaded her small hands or paws into the pillows for comfort. When Zhe Yan once found that she had changed into a fox to savagely tear through the pillows with her claws and pulled out the stuffing with her sharp teeth, he knew that there was no point in continuing that part of the training. Firm pillows regressed her and he pitied the person who would receive her first pelvic exam.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now