Chapter 160 - Continuing Education for the Unseen Arts

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(Earlier that morning, before leaving for the Mushroom Market)



"Robes and undergarments."


"Treasure box."




"Little pillow.


"Big pillow."

"Yes. Little fox, not to worry. All your things are floating around in my aura. I could open my own market at this point," he said casually while an elegant hand ran down the front of his body.

Dong Hua was lounging on the bed watching as she stood in the middle of her room doing a scan to see if she had missed anything.

"If you've forgotten anything, Migu will send it to the palace. And besides, we're not moving you out of your room. When we come back to visit your family we'll stay here. When your duties as queen require you to stay in Qing Qiu longer, we'll move into the fox den unless you want to take up residence elsewhere."

"Mmm, okay."

He could tell his little fox was tense and not her usual carefree self.

Suddenly she felt him hug her from behind. His arms wrapped around her mid-section and he squeezed her softly while gently resting his chin on her head.

"You seem nervous, Xiao Bai."

"Mmm ... it's just that everything's different now."

"Oh? Tell me what's different. Aren't we just going home to have one long sleepover?"

She looked up and smiled as she felt him leave a soft kiss on the top of her head.

He gently turned her around to face him and he was met with her long sweeping dark eyelashes and large doe eyes.

That morning, while curled up into him as he was lying on his side, still half-asleep, she drowsily mumbled something about seeing the sunrise. There would be many more sunrises they could see together he decided and lulled her back to sleep.

He sighed into the top of her head, nuzzling his nose into her hair. She was always staying up late with him and he apparently enabled it, wanting to spend every waking moment with her. He decided when they returned to the Nine Heavens he would enter into sleep seclusion with her to fortify and nourish her young cultivation.

When they had awoken later, after lazy cuddles and some gardening of lavender flowers on his part, he told her his plan for sleep seclusion.

They were sitting on her bed and she had just finished combing his hair. She scooted over to sit in front of him as he began combing through her long tresses with his blue lapis lazuli comb.

"Sleep seclusion?" she asked curiously. "Is that like revenge-sleep?"

Dong Hua did not understand this revenge-sleep term she used.

"That sounds ... intense, Xiao Bai. What is this revenge-sleep you're talking about?"

"Oh, Dijun of course you wouldn't know what revenge-sleep is. You didn't really sleep that much before you met me. Revenge-sleep is when you've been sleep-deprived and tired with having to be up for so long and then you purposely sleep sleep sleep for a looong time."

"Hmm," he replied indifferently.

"You know, sleeeeeep! Consequences be damned!" she added dramatically. Her eyebrows danced at her brave cursing.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now