Chapter 161 - Bottoms Up

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"Your Majesty ... it's just you and I ... we've been enrolled in ... fox school."

Dong Hua looked at Ye Hua dubiously.

"That's a real thing?"


Dong Hua looked at the book again and then at Ye Hua.

"It must be a prank," said the almighty god decidedly.

"No ... I'm afraid not, Dijun. This book was handed to me by the Fox Emperor."

"Ye Hua, if you do not think Bai Zhi capable of pranking us then I'm afraid you have a lot to learn about your father-in-law."

"I'm pretty sure it's not a prank, Dijun. He said it was Xiao Jiu's preschool text and that ..."

Dong Hua did not like the Crown Prince's ominous tone. "And that?? ... continue ..."

Ye Hua sighed. "He said it would ... serve us well. He said to not be afraid to ask questions if ... if it's too hard for us to grasp."

"I see. What of your fox language knowledge? You have been with Bai Qian far longer than I have been with Xiao Bai. What have you learned?"

Ye Hua avoided Dong Hua's indifferent gaze.

"I ... I am ashamed I know not even the most rudimentary yips and yaps, Your Majesty." The look of frustration was written all over his face.

Dong Hua raised both his eyebrows. An overwhelming need to show-off overcame his usually indifferent demeanor.

"I can tell the difference between fox laughing and fox cursing. The screeching for each is high-pitched to the point of almost tearing the inner eardrum but I can still differentiate the two."

It was a half-truth. He could pick up on her adorable fox laugh but he had no idea if she'd ever cursed in her fox form before. He hoped if she did it was never directed towards him.

"Well, you're ahead of me, Dijun," said Ye Hua with a sigh.

"You will have to revenge study."

"Forgive me, Your Majesty ... but that sounds violent."

Dong Hua eyed the text and then immediately took it from Ye Hua's hands.

His thumb brushed lightly over the binding of the book that was covered in teeth marks from a tiny fox jaw.

"This must be her little teeth marks," the almighty god murmured. He smiled fondly at the book as he carefully turned it over in his hands several times. "I will treasure this text. I wasn't able to be there for her kithood but this book is a nice consolation. It goes in my library."

Ye Hua frowned slightly. "I'm sorry Your Majesty but I'm afraid ... we have to share the book."

Dong Hua looked up with a serious ice-face that basically said, "winter is coming."

Ye Hua's lean and toned body shivered under his black robes.

"Then you must find another copy of this book for this one is mine." Dong Hua's tone offered no consolations.

"But Dijun ... I'm afraid this is the only copy we have. Bai Zhi Dijun said that he'll give us volume two once we've mastered this volume. I'm not sure who our instructors will be but classes will be held in the Nine Heavens."

"So you are telling me that during fox school we must share a desk and sit next to each other to learn from this text?" Dong Hua narrowed his eyes which immediately had Ye Hua dropping his gaze to the floor. The Crown Prince clenched his fists so hard his nails dug into his palm.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now