Chapter 165 - And So It Spills

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"Look, little fox. What do you see?" Dong Hua casually extended out his elegant hand as their cloud made its descent.

She gasped. "Is that really? .... is it?"

She couldn't even form the words.


The cloud hovered above Tai Chen Palace, providing a most magnificent view. Between the golden rooftops, patches of neatly manicured gardens, small ponds, and the brilliant white marble ground, there were little heads, black dots forming in perfect rows. A big white blob and a tall black figure also came into view.

"Dijun look, everyone's out to welcome you back!" she exclaimed excitedly as the cloud slowly continued to lower. She could now clearly see Mogu, Scarface, Zhong Lin, Si Ming and all the guards, servants, maids and even the chef all out in the courtyard.

This was a historical moment for her, to see her mate welcomed back to his palace like the almighty god he was. She tried to scoot off the throne to settle into her cushion to watch the proceedings but Dong Hua's arm around her kept her securely in place.

She watched as the figures in unison knelt down, while Mogu lowered himself on his belly.

Perhaps it was the throne, she thought, but she felt more and more excited. This was what it must have felt like to witness Dong Hua Dijun as Heavenly Emperor. She was conflicted. It was beyond anything in her dreams, being able to have a front row seat to watch his subjects formally greet him. However, she also wanted to be down there with everyone else to welcome his arrival home. She decided to make a mental note to ask later if Si Ming or Zhong Lin could share the memory with her of seeing Dijun on his throne on a cloud.

She didn't know where she should fix her gaze, on him or down below on everyone as this wondrous scene unfolded. When she sweetly smiled at him, he shifted his eyebrows over to gesture that she should be looking down.

The moment her gaze fell on the scene below, everyone who was kneeling then brought their hands respectfully together in front of them to greet their master. She cocked her head curiously and threw a quick glance over to her mate. Celestials and their formalities. But of course, he was the Master of Tai Chen Palace, the former Heavenly Emperor, she reminded herself. He was also sitting on his throne and when someone sits on their throne, she knew it wasn't casual business.

Celestials really are a fancy bunch.

She watched him keep his expressionless gaze on the sights below while his staff looked up in the direction of the cloud with warm smiles. Even her demon bodyguard's usual broody serious face appeared relaxed.

What a surprise she thought, everyone was usually quite avoidant of eye contact with the almighty god.

And then their voices layered upon each other in unison.

"Feng Jiu Dihou, we welcome you home."

Her jaw dropped as the neat formation below prostrated, touching their heads to the marble ground before raising up to gaze at her.

"Me?" she squeaked out.

"Dihou," she whispered in disbelief. "But ... but what about you, Dijun?"

He leaned over and whispered in her ear in his deep velvet voice. "I am ... as the saying goes ... just small potatoes, little fox."

He watched her intently as her little mouth crinkled tightly and her eyes became wet as she scanned the courtyard. He knew that without a doubt she was meeting each of their eyes in acknowledgment and recognition. When she started her stay at Tai Chen Palace, she had quickly made the effort to know the names of each person who served under him.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now