Chapter 25 - Game Face

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She had been lying in bed for about half an hour just thinking about the dream she had last night. She couldn't believe she had tried to kiss Dijun in her dreams. That was a bold move but she was a bold fox so actually it was quite consistent with her character. She was puzzled why he wouldn't let her kiss him on the lips. She thought perhaps this was her subconscious telling her she was not ready. But what was she not ready for? The kiss? Letting him go? Not letting him go?

She realized perhaps it was a good thing he didn't let her kiss him on the lips. The truth was the little fox princess knew next to nothing about kissing on the lips. She knew that lips made contact and pressed together but that was about it. That didn't seem too complicated. What was the big deal about it? It's not like she was trying to consummate the relationship with him.

She mused on the only conclusion she could offer herself. Her mind was indeed a vast complicated network of thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

She remembered clearly smelling sandalwood. Even her sense of smell was superb in her dreams. There were times he seemed to breathe and then there were times he didn't seem to be breathing at all. She didn't know if these were normal responses to being kissed so she could not gauge if she was a good kisser or not. She had never kissed anyone in those ways before.

She had kissed her family members and Zhe Yan on the cheeks but that was it. She knew that Dream Dijun was just a product of her mind but she told herself that if she dreamt of him again, she would ask him for feedback. She figured it was a kind of internal processing she could do with her subconscious. With all the parts of her mind engaged, surely she could come to some useful and objective conclusion about her skills.

She had kissed Real Dijun in the Nine Heavens when they were still best friends. He had frozen like a statue when she kissed him at the corners of his lips. She remembered his skin was cold which was not at all surprising; he was always cool to the touch. It was too bad they weren't really friends anymore. She would ask him what he thought of her as a kisser, her strengths and weaknesses.

She had never wanted anyone to kiss her before. He would have been the only one she would have let near her lips. She looked back at her younger self and smiled at how innocent she was. It's amazing what a hundred and fifty four years can do to a person. While she knew there was a lot more growing up she had to do, the last century had definitely made her feel older.

She decided it was time to get out of bed. Yesterday, Zhong Lin had mentioned something about her room being ready today. She sat up and yawned, unsure of why she still felt so tired. She had slept early last night. Maybe her dreams were so active and vivid that they somehow still drained her. Explaining to Dream Dijun about her situation with Real Dijun and practicing not-on-the-lips kissing apparently took a lot more out her than she would have thought.

Today was also to be her first day of her indentured servitude with Dong Hua. She didn't know how to dress for the occasion. Did she need to look formal? How is the assistant to the former ruler of everything supposed to dress like, she wondered. Best Friend Dijun would have let her look however, but Dijun now? She could not guess what he would want her to look like. She sat in front of the mirror trying to figure out how she should dress herself.

 She sat in front of the mirror trying to figure out how she should dress herself

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The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now