Chapter 80 - The Debut Pt. 3

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A/N: Image of rutilated quartz from

Hi to everyone all over the world! So blessed to connect with all of you in this way :)

Also, for anyone who doesn't know, the instrumental soundtrack is uploaded on Youtube [ ] It provides great inspiration as a write.


"Dijun," she whispered while looking up at him.

He seemed so far up but his gaze on her was clear to everyone watching them.

"Uh, has he been watching us this whole time?" asked Jiang Yu nervously.

"Not the whole time. Master gets bored easily," grumbled out Mogu.

"When did he get here?" Her eyes were still fixed on him as he continued to gaze down at her from the cloud.

"I do not know. It must have been some time after I marked a few trees, including a Celestial I did not see napping. Despite my warnings the boy insisted on continue screaming and babbling so I marked his face to quiet him. After that, Master made telepathic contact with me and instructed that I take a squat on the side of the road," he said gruffly.

Her friends' faces were slapped with shock.

"Well, that explains everything," said Shen Wu with a definitive nod.

"What happens on the side of the road?" she asked innocently as she looked at her friends.

"Which one of you guys wants to take this one because I'm afraid it's not going to be me," says Cang Yi.

Zhang Feng sighed. "I'll do it. Okay, Your Highness. That means Dong Hua Dijun asked your mount to ... take a poop."

Her eyes widened. "Again?!"

"Uh, Xiao Jiu, what do you mean by again?" asked Ling Yue.

"Are your fetus ears not yet developed!? Did you not hear my mistress!?" Mogu angrily growled out.

Her friends took unsteady steps backwards.

"This has been the second time Master has requested a sample. I was lazy to find the road. A tree sufficed. I would give my life for Master. Taking a squat is a small matter."

"I highly doubt it's small," muttered Jiang Yu under this breath.

"Fetus number five. You are correct. The first sample was indeed substantial," grumbled out Mogu.

"Okay Okay, I'm starting to connect the dots, here" said Shen Wu. "But what this really means Xiao Jiu is that you should not keep him waiting."

"He's right," said Cang Yi. "Don't keep Dong Hua Dijun waiting. He never comes to these things. If he's here that means he wants to make memories with you."

"Oh, It's too bad I couldn't finish hanging out with you guys."

"Don't worry, Your Highness. There's a reception afterwards with wine and tea. If you're still here we'll see you afterwards," said Cheng Xi.

"Okay then, I'll see you guys later," she said as she waved at them.

Her friends waved back and watched the odd pair descend down the marble steps.

"So, now we know who sent the diaper," said Shen Wu with a smirk. "Looks like we have an ally and a high-level one at that."


She and Mogu stood on the white marble square of the second to highest level of Chengtian Terrace. She looked up at Dijun on his cloud.

"Mogu, it's pretty high up. I'll have to aura-travel up there."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now