Mogu's Note

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(Image credit goes to the owner)


I am Mogu. 

I am the mount of Her Highness Bai Feng Jiu and the occasional mount of Dong Hua Dijun. A mortal named Jean-Pierre Collin used a small box to magically capture my image.

I cannot do the tip taps on the rectangular silver contraption with a glowing apple on the outside so I have retained the services of a small mortal to be my scribe. She knows she must relay my thoughts in their completion. I will use the big nice words.

I have time-traveled and aura-traveled to be here. Mistress has informed me that my cult following has expanded beyond the borders of the Mushroom Market and there is a small but substantial clump of devotees in the Mortal Realm. 

Mistress published her book with Master through this little scribe and she says this one will also publish mine. 

This is my first meeting with her to discuss the direction of my first book. I almost ate one of her large dogs but I remember Master told me I cannot casually kill, even when my appetite is aroused. When I smelt the dog who bravely sniffed my nether regions, I realized he was without his gonads. The little scribe mentioned a barbaric ritual in this realm called "neutering," that is performed on males. She said this prevents the population of strays from growing out of control. She mentioned this ritual saves lives. I must agree. Since the dog is without his gonads, I no longer wanted him, thus his life was spared.

It makes me wonder where these multitude of gonads are harvested after the neutering process. I would like to raid such a storehouse. I am licking my jowls just imagining such a conquest. 

I found this little scribe to be a curious being. Since she knows no magic, does not hunt or kill for her food, nor does she have servants nor does she gather and sell objects, I asked her how she has continued to survive in this realm. 

She mentioned that she listens to others who are going through difficult times and lends them her ears. I asked her if they return her ears to her after they are done with them. 

I told her to find the black market of her realm and perhaps she can purchase several pairs there. I told her she must find the correct color of her hide or else it would look unseemly.

She tried to explain that it is not real ears she lends them. Perhaps it is like Mistress when she listens to me. I would not want her red fox ears, they are far too small for my majestic white head. 

Master would also be angry that I took her tiny ears and attached them to myself. He has not mentioned making me wear pants in some time. I now see him without pants more often as he took my advice and is the wild man with Mistress. Without the veil obstructing her she can see all the majestic views now. 

I am more generous than Master in that I let everyone partake in the panoramic views of my mountain and its flanking rolling hills. Still, I cannot risk my muscular legs being trapped in those tortuous contraptions. How will I make the shitballs leave my body without soiling myself? The shitballs are to fall but the pants keep them suspended and close to my body. That is unnatural. I must then shake my legs. Which leg will they roll down to make their exit? This gives me a head pound just thinking of it. 

When I hear this little scribe talk about the servitude she provides for others, I am reminded of my beloved Mistress. I, too, have struggled with my feelings and Mistress has done the soft talk with me. She listens and then provides great comfort. She helps me accept myself, my circumstances, and then she helps me change what can be changed. Mistress helps me distinguish the difference between what I think needs to be accepted and what needs to be changed. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now