Chapter 153 - Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

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A/N: Phrase is attributed to 19th-century bacteriologist Louis Pasteur.

There is a snow storm of epic proportions sweeping across the Southern U.S. and it's freezing where I am (literally, which never happens, we're the South, we're warm) and we were without power/heat for a whole day and night in 15 F degree weather. Today water is barely trickling from the sink. I am dressed in enough layers to brave a Mongolian winter. Just got power back on earlier so trying to update something! It's short but I'm hoping for more uninterrupted power so I can write more. (Shit, right when I typed this sentence the power went out. I was gonna send this out tonight but looks like the gods will make me/us wait. If you're reading this then somehow power came back on!)

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank @rosiskabeatrycze and @PattycjaCsernyik for reading and re-reading this story and making it a point to to go back to vote for all the chapters. I think you lovely souls are Polish by your names? Dziękuję bardzo! The fact that my story was found and enjoyed by others across the world is truly exciting and humbling at the same time. I know others have done this in the past (Calmbubble626 - looking at you :) and I want every single person who has voted or left a kind comment to know how much I appreciate it.

Since I just write for enjoyment, there is no currency other than messages, comments, or votes, so I have no other way of knowing the value of this to others. I've never put anything I've written out there like this so of course the encouragement is so appreciated. I could not have been prepared for what a vulnerable process it is to write something like this and put it out there for pretty much anyone in the world to read. Thank you for the patience and kindness!


She had been watching him quietly from the nest of satiny blankets and pillows. Only her face peaked out from the bundle he had swaddled her in. She pulled her magical ceiling back to see the dark indigo sky and twinkling stars. It was still in the dead of the night.

His back was tall and straight, a wall of pale blue under the white cascading waterfall of his hair. He was seated at her writing table.

She wondered why he wasn't snuggled in bed with her.

Changing into her fox form, she silenced her bells. The blanket flopped over her face until she poked her snout out, looking left and then right but unable to see anything with the hood over her eyes. She whipped her head back to free herself from the troublesome bedding. She quietly and easily stepped out of the blankets and nimbly jumped over the cushions, off the bed to land on her paws without a sound. She sniffed at the pillows on the ground that must have fallen on the floor when she kicked them in her sleep.

She stepped around the pillows and stealthily and cautiously crouched down while her white-tipped paws slowly and steadily made their way across the floor.

Her prey seemed to be intently writing and did not notice her silent predatory encroachment.

She took a few more steps across the floor, head lowered, nose and whiskers twitching. Her red and white bushy tail sashayed in the air signaling she was going in for the strike.

Only a few more steps.

She sprang up and dived headfirst.


(flashback to after dinner in the fox den)

Dong Hua stood with his hands clasped behind his back in the dark corridor waiting.

Stable unfaltering steps made their approach. A quiet deep voice filled the cavernous corridor that had become the location of the clandestine meeting.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now