Chapter 110 - Dishonorable Sweetness

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(Image is not mine. Credit goes to the owner/illustrator)

A/N: Warning - Mild mature sexual content. If it's not evident yet, I must formally announce that for the next volume I've thrown out the slow cooker for a fire pit.


It was almost dawn when she awoke lying on his bare chest with one of his arms securely around her back and another around her waist. The blanket was pulled up over her shoulders. The sky over the lake was a hazy lavender with the faintest peachy hue outlining the mountains. 

She ran her fingers over his cold sculpted chest as she gazed up at his serene sleeping face. Memories of their intimacy last night flooded through her as if a dam had been broken. But hadn't a dam been broken, the thought. She smiled and blushed. Even though she was still a small lady fox in so many ways, he had showed her that despite her age and her cultivation, a part of her was limitless, and that part of her had already found a home inside of him.

She figured he was probably very tired. They would miss the sunrise but she didn't care. Her librarian deserved all the rest he needed. She leaned over and kissed him tenderly on his neck over his jugular before lowering to kiss his smooth hardened nipple. While he was tenderly suckling her breast last night she had wondered what it might feel like to have her mouth over his.

She had been intermittently exposed to his bare chest for the last couple of days and she had tried her best not to dishonor him. This was no longer about cleaning wounds, this was about pure shameless curious desire. He was now hers and she decided she would do with him as she pleased.

After a few soft timid kisses, she built up the courage to lick and finally suck at his nipple. She swirled her tongue around and over until she finally learned that she could both lick and suck simultaneously. No wonder he spent so much time on hers, she thought. Not only was it pleasurable, he would surely enjoy her mouth on him in this way if he was awake. Since he was in a deep sleep, she thought it was a good time to practice. She continued her mouthy ministrations on him until she felt him quietly moan.

"Apparently, I'm no good at satiating my little fox and she's taken to eating pebbles, I see," his deep and husky voice softly rumbled over her.

"Oh," she whispered to herself. She unlatched her mouth from his chest as he pulled her up so she hovered directly over his face with resting an arm on his chest and her other elbow on the blanket. It felt like a dominating position which she very much enjoyed. 

His white hair was spilled in a messy pile underneath his head but his handsome features were exquisitely perfect to her. "Husband," she whispered.

"Wife," he breathlessly whispered back. It was just a simple word but he had never imagined it would be a word related to him and certainly not a word he would say to anyone. He tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "I shouldn't have bedded you before I wedded you. I was remiss," he whispered ruefully.

She looked down at him tenderly before she leaned down to softly kiss his cold lips.

"Don't be silly. Mogu already married us, remember? He pronounced us mated in a roar that reached the outer edges of all the realms," she said with a smile. "Besides, I don't need an official ceremony or the permission of anyone else to tell me that I get to be with you. You taught me that. You've showed me that not even so-called Fate can stand in our way. I have chosen you to be my mate, long before you ever knew. You are mine Dong Hua Dijun, and I, Bai Feng Jiu, Imperial Princess of Qing Qiu, have no regrets with taking your chastity."

A mix of laughter and aching tenderness erupted from his chest while a small smile formed on his mouth, and the corners of his eyes emitted warmth.

"Then so be it, I am yours," he said with a deep and satisfied sigh.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now