Chapter 5 - Plus One

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"I actually have something important I have to do. But it's here. In this realm." His demeanor showed that he was in no rush to do anything in particular.

She was still searching his face for hints at what this all meant. She didn't know if he'd leave and go on his own or if she'd get to come with him. Then she remembered that his face never gave anything away. She'd have better luck just asking him.


"Yes?" His eyebrow raised expectantly as if he was waiting for her to finish.

"So, this thing you have to do... Where will you be going?... When are you going to leave?"

He noticed she seemed very unsure of herself, unlike how she had been several minutes ago. She no longer had her queenly composure but he found her uncertainty endearing.

He considered her question. The truth was he had no idea how to answer it because he had made the whole thing up. He had no plans and nowhere to go. He simply just didn't want to return to the Nine Heavens that day.

"I... have to check on something. So, I have to go to this place. To check on it," he answered cryptically and nonchalantly.

The little highness realized she was getting nowhere. She began to feel self-conscious and worried. It seemed like Dijun didn't want to tell her where he was going. Maybe he was going to do something very important and didn't want her to come along. After all, she had messed up his plans in the forest with those demons. This was probably a very important top secret mission. 

She figured even though she was the Imperial Highness of Qing Qiu, she still wasn't from the Nine Heavens, therefore she was still an outsider and didn't get to know all the juicy details.

"Oh," was all she had to say as she took a chopstick and wrote the characters for her name in the dirt floor with it.

Feng Jiu

"What are your plans for the day?" he asked trying to sound as disinterested and bored as possible.

She didn't make eye contact, and proceeded to write Bai in bigger script. "Me?.... I guess I'll just go back home," she said sounding forlorn and disappointed.

Dong Hua immediately sat up from his leisurely position and frowned. He realized he apparently had not played his cards right and would soon lose his opportunity.

He touched his temple softly as if he had remembered something. 

"Actually, I do remember something. It's something maybe you can help me with." He looked at her feigning hesitation.

She dropped the chopstick and sat up, leaning towards him

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She dropped the chopstick and sat up, leaning towards him.

"Tell me, what do you need help with?!" she whispered as if they were plotting a conspiracy.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now