Chapter 103 - A Slight Heat Wave

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A/N: Mature content. Dishes have been transferred from slow cooker to a bamboo steamer. Consume at your own risk.


"Is your tree man gone," he whispered under their fort. She had the idea of not lighting a night pearl up and leaving it dark. Only a very faint light from the room could be seen through the blankets. He knew that the dark didn't bother her as long as he was there with her.

"Yes, I think he's gone."

"Good," he said as he rolled over and hovered his broad chest over her. He supported his upper body with his elbows as he nuzzled her with his nose and lips. His long white hair spilled over to the sides of her face. A strong scent of sandalwood filled the fort.

"Dijun, somehow you know not to crush me. If it was anyone else over me I think they would."

He kissed down the bridge of her nose. "You'll never feel crushed. If anyone else was over you it would just be their ghost because they would already be dead," he said as he kissed her lips softly. He knew she was in a chatty mood so he delayed tongue-play.

"But somehow you know how to put yourself over me without crushing me." He continued to plant light kisses across her chin.

"Of course little fox. I know how to  ... position myself."

"Dijun, I have a question."

"Ask," he said while he slowly kissed down her jawline.

"Dijun, you can tell me the truth. I won't be mad," she said as she wove her fingers through his hair.

"Ehm," he softly grunted distractedly as he leisurely made his way down her throat.

"Dijun, have you experimented before?"

He froze pre-lick. He retracted his tongue that had almost made its way to its destination, the soft skin of her neck. He wanted to plant a small garden of violet flowers there. He knew the tree man would be mad but the almighty god was not in the mood to care.

He lit up a small night pearl to the side so he could see her sweet face.

"No, I haven't," he said softly as he gazed tenderly at her. He was about to ask why but he wanted her to move through her thought process in her own time.

She had a quizzical expression. Her face was becoming much more easy for him to read. She wasn't like him. She was accessible.

She ran the tip of her forefinger over the line of his soft cold mouth. He caught her fingertip between his lips and kissed it. She moved her finger down to make small circles over his chin.

"Dijun, you haven't kissed anyone before, have you?"

He shook his head slowly. "Never. Not once. Ever."

She blinked up at him. She seemed to be working the confirmation through her mind.

"Dijun, you and I are both late bloomers, as they call it. By the time I finished school, everyone had kissed someone, except me. And you," she said while bopping him lightly on the nose with her finger, "you are the latest bloomer ever. In fact you were just a plant that never flowered. Everyone knows that."

He nodded.

"So, really we are starting at the same place. Yet, how come you ... you know how to kiss so well?" she asked as he could see the color flush over her face.

He brushed his thumb across her rosy cheek.

"This is new for me, too." 

He smiled softly as he gazed down at her. "I just follow my feelings. Everything I feel for you just moves my mouth, my lips, my tongue, and the rest of my body. Your warmth is a beacon that makes my entire being seek you out. I move towards you like a ship returning home to dock. I don't know how else to explain it."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now