Chapter 71 - Heavy Sweetness

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A/N: Warning - disturbing, violent, and graphic imagery/allusions. Chapter title inspired by the novel, Heavy Sweetness Ash-like Frost written by Dian Xian.


"Let him come?" she repeated his words with uneasiness.

Dong Hua could see she was already tense and nervous as he nonchalantly mentioned that she should just let Bai Yi try to come collect her from Tai Chen Palace.

"Are you afraid your father will bully me, Xiao Bai?" asked Dong Hua with his signature deadpan expression.

"Not exactly ... I mean you are the former Master of the Universe."

"But he is currently the meanest fox in Qing Qiu," countered Dong Hua.

She smiled and then couldn't help but laugh.

Dong Hua placed his hand on hers and he aura-traveled them to sit on the bed.

"Do you remember being here with me?"

"Yes! It was the first time I fell asleep on you. First as a fox and then in this form," she said while pointing to her chest.

"The first of many times. And do you remember waking up and having your fingers tangled into my hair?"

"Of course. I was quite embarrassed and ran away. I didn't know that later I would get to play with the former ruler of everything's hair as much as a I want," she said with a smirk while finding some of his long white hair to run her fingers through.

"Dijun, why are you asking me if I recall these things? Foxes have a very good memory."

"Indeed. It's just nice to remember these things with you. Sometimes, it feels like we're in a dream. It's nice to know those things really happened."

She nodded. "Funny how we ended up here," she mumbled to herself. She became lost in thought about how strange but fortunate they were able to end up at the abandoned house again. Had it not been for the horrible letter that her father wrote and how promptly he had sent it out, they wouldn't have ended up here where everything started. And how did those men find her so quickly? In the Mortal Realm no less? And what was she doing by herself in the Mortal Realm again?

Ah, yes of course, eating a delicious meal at a restaurant.

As Dong Hua watched the confusion meander over her face, he could tell that as much as she boasted about being a lucid dreamer, someone who had the ability to sometimes be aware that they're dreaming, he knew that she was currently experiencing this dream as if it were real.

The sound of approaching feet distracted her from further dissecting her current experience.

She sat up straighter and used her fox hearing to zone into the steps of the uninvited visitors.

"Not again," she muttered. The first time they were in the house, they had been followed. "One ... two." Two individuals were approaching the courtyard.

While Dong Hua had sensed the same thing she had, unlike her, he knew that they were in a dream. He held only curiosity without a sense of urgency.

"Dijun, stay here. Let me go out to see what they want."

"No, little fox, you went out last time. Let me go."

He was about to move off of the bed when she surprised him with a light bop of her finger on his nose. She bit her bottom lip as if she was considering something and then lightly kissed him on his cold mouth. The slight purse of her lips gathered his heart into a scrunched up bundle of desire before releasing him into an exhale.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now