Chapter 111 - The Trade Pt. II

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Mogu was forced to gaze out into the boring lake while his master and mistress continued their sweet-play under the tree.

"Dijun, don't you want to play with me some more before you go?" she whispered into him after successfully dominating a kiss.

"I was going to ask if I was moving too fast for you, but you've just answered that question for me," he whispered back with a deep and heavy exhale. "Apparently, I'm going to have to work very hard to slow you down."

"Slow down?" she asked with a pout.

He wrapped an arm around her back and his other under her knees and pulled her into him. He nodded over at the blanket.

"Little fox do you see that?"

She looked over and parted her lips in quiet surprise. "That's me?" she asked in a small voice.

"That's you. Or rather that's what I did to you. And though I knew it would happen, I am pained to know I was the cause of that," he said while nuzzling his nose softly into the side of her face.

She continued staring at the dark red stain on the blanket.

She turned back to wrap her arms around his neck and softly kissed his cheek. "I'm just a little sore. It'll go away."

Dong Hua knew he wanted to take his time having this conversation with her. He sat down on the blanket with her lying cradled in his arms and between his legs.

"I'm afraid you'll be sore the next several times until your body gets used to me. And depending on how long ... and how deeply I burrow myself into you, soreness down there should be occasionally expected."

Her eyes widened at the word he chose. To burrow, it was such a fox word and how aptly he had used it. Images of his mouth, tongue, and hips swirling and pressing everything he had in between her legs, whether he moved slowly and steadily or whether he drove himself into her with desperate urgency filled her mind. The blazing sensations warmed her core.

Dong Hua had not planned on being so forthright with what he knew to be part of their future but her unbound desire for him pulled him in, and his own desire for her began feeding on it.

He could feel her fever taking hold of them both through her more pronounced shallow breaths. He pulsed a deep rolling wave of soothing energy through his cold lips onto her birthmark. He doused them into the sensations of holding onto each other while being swallowed up by the frigid ocean currents. The imagery was extreme but so was the fire that had been lit within her.

She exhaled deeply and sank into his hold. Her dark eyelashes fluttered up at him. "Am I correct in thinking that you are the mightiest?" she asked curiously.

"The mightiest?" he repeated unsure of what she meant.

"You know, there ..." she said with a coy smile.

Ah, there.

He gave himself some time to think how he'd answer this question for her. Since he was sure she would never be seeing another one again, he felt she deserved an honest answer.

Dong Hua did not go around comparing himself to others but as a physician on the battlefield he had been exposed to many groin injuries.

"I am not sure if I am the mightiest but I am ... above average mighty," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Master is being modest! The views between my legs are striking and it makes everyone take the breaths—"

"He means breathtaking"  whispered Dong Hua to her.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now