Chapter 102 - The Homecoming Pt. III

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Dong Hua realized he had forgotten to camouflage the love bite he had left on her. He watched as the tree spirit's chest heaved. The almighty god fully anticipated a tree branch to slap him in the head from out of nowhere.

"Migu," she cooed. She walked over and gave the loyal steward of the fox den a hug.

After he hugged her tightly, he then started to squeeze down her arms as if he was checking if she had any broken bones.

"Your Highness ... you ... him ..." he whispered at her as he held her wrists.

She nodded as her face blushed a deep pink. "Is anyone home?" 

"No ... you're really bringing him home with you?" Migu asked uncertainly.

"I want to show him where I grew up. I want him to meet you."

Migu's eyes softened. She was no longer the little teething fox kit that sometimes slept with him at night during thunderstorms. He remembered how he'd change his leg into a large tree branch that she'd gnaw on until she became tired and fell asleep.

"Then let's show him the finest Qing Qiu has to offer," he replied with a smile. He held both of her hands and squeezed them.

She nodded excitedly. She walked back over to Dijun and took his hand. She looked up adoringly at him. "Migu, this is Dong Hua Dijun," she said as if he needed any introduction.

She led him over to the tree spirit who bowed deeply. "Migu, loyal steward of the Royal Family of the Fox Clan, greets Dong Hua Dijun."

Dong Hua nodded. "Migu, thank you for having collaborated with my Master Housekeeper Zhong Lin in helping us put together her room in Tai Chen Palace. I'm certain it can't compare to her room here but it's helped her have a home away from home," he said as he smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

Migu had not even expected for the former emperor of the realms to barely acknowledge him much less be gracious.

The tree spirit nodded. "She is the darling of the fox den ... that is, when she isn't being a terror. I hope Your Majesty is fully prepared to take on the responsibility for her appetite, her mischievousness ... and her warm-heartedness."

He gazed down at her. "I already have."

She smiled back brightly as she tugged at his sash.

"Migu, please make us a pot of the finest tea in Qing Qiu. Her Highness has an unquenchable thirst," he said impassively.

"Yes, Dijun," he replied as the tree spirit smiled, bowed, and retreated back into the fox den.

Dong Hua leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her lips. "I had to make your beloved tree disappear so I could kiss you again. I am not wanting any tree roots shoved up the eternal dark place."

She giggled and bounced on the tips of her toes to reach and give him back a kiss of her own. "Kiss me for real," she whispered. She leaned into him and used her hands on his sash for balance. His hands soon found her waist. Her kisses were sweet and eager and it only took a few of them before he gave in and kissed her fully and deeply, allowing for their tongues to softly and sweetly spar.

He painstakingly herded his sense of control in, like wayward goats in a field of delicious fragrant flowers. He pulled away as he softly replaced tongue-play with soft-play as he nuzzled her into a fox kiss.

"Xiao Bai, if you keep tugging at my sash like that, I'm afraid tree roots are going to come for us. One will pull you back into the fox den while another will do me worse than what you did to Yun Hao. Not even the kits and cubs of Qing Qiu can save me then," he whispered into her.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now