Chapter 10 - A Tough Act to Follow

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It didn't take long before they reached the bustling lively village. She excitedly made her way to the food stands and stalls that sold various household items or knickknacks. She perused the simple storefronts made of stone and wood. It was a simple village but managed to have its own good flow being on a larger traveling route that lead to bigger cities. It was a beautiful day with just the right mixture of soft sunlight and clouds.

 It was a beautiful day with just the right mixture of soft sunlight and clouds

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Dong Hua always stayed closely by her side while she weaved her way through the market area. Once, when she turned around she almost jumped because for a split second she thought a stranger had gotten too close to her. Dong Hua noticed how startled she looked. He watched as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to seeing you ... like this," she pointed to his head. She looked down to the ground briefly before looking up and away from his face. She looked into the distance not meeting his gaze.  

"Let's go this way, " she said distractedly as she tugged on his sleeve to follow her.

Dong Hua did not know if it was a good thing that he looked different or not.

When they reached the restaurant, he could see her excitement build and she grabbed his arm and squeezed it as she walked. She half dragged him as her pace quickened. The restaurant was outdoors, and was a simple setup of wooden tables and benches. He couldn't imagine good food could come from such a barren place. She led them to a table near a tree for shade. As she sat down, she sighed with great contentment.

"I'm finally here," she murmured to herself.  Watching her, Dong Hua regretted he had previously made their arrival process so difficult.

A young beautiful waitress came over bringing a pot of tea and was instantly enamored the moment her eyes fell on Dong Hua. His long jet black hair and his pale glistening complexion perfectly contrasted each other. His features were masculine, yet aristocratic and refined. 

Completely ignoring Feng Jiu, she started to flirt with him shamelessly, asking if he was traveling since she'd never seen him in town before. She continued on and on and he answered her questions tersely with as minimal words as possible, without even looking at her. She asked him what his tastes were and told him she was very good at picking dishes that would satisfy any kind of craving.

Feng Jiu knew what was happening and was completely engrossed with what was unfolding before her. This seductress was wanting to get her claws all over Dong Hua and he wasn't having any of it. This was like a scene from the plays in the Mortal Realm she'd watch with Gugu. Who knew coming here was like a buy one get one free special, she thought. She'd have a great meal and get to see a great show. Feng Jiu chewed on peanuts that was on a small plate on the table while thoroughly enjoying watching the seductress shamelessly try to hook Dijun.

"So, kind sir," she said as she looked at him wantonly. "We have the finest dishes here. All sure to melt in your mouth and tantalize all your five senses.  I'm sure you'll be coming back for more with an even bigger... appetite," she said suggestively. She smiled coquettishly. "What would the kind sir like to partake in?"

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now