Chapter 68 - Tender Is The Night

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(Image credit - Photo by Yuga Kurita on fivehundredpx)


As she reached over to grab some roasted five-spiced nuts to munch on, he couldn't help but be drawn to the hematite ring she was wearing. Because of his cultivation, the longer he gazed at it, the more the ring materialized into view.

She brought a peach cookie up to his lips and he gladly accepted it as the tips of her fingers brushed his lips.

"Xiao Bai ... can I ask you where you went ... traveling?" he asked haltingly, because he wasn't sure how she'd react.

While she appeared pensive, she did not appear to be upset.

"I figured you would ask me, since I came home smelling like shit," she said while chewing on her nuts. Her eyes widened and he could tell she had caught herself.

Dong Hua cocked his head slightly studying her. "Little fox, where are you learning this kind of language? This is the second time I've heard you talk like this."

She frowned. "Second? I've never spoken like this to you before."

It was Dong Hua's turn to catch himself. The first time was when she stated that he had "shit for brains." That was in a dream so of course to her that wouldn't count.

"Aiya, look Dijun this is how all the kits and cubs of Qing Qiu talk," she said boastfully. It was a blatant lie. "Also this is just how normal people talk. You just don't know because you've been stuck in Tai Chen Palace for so long." That, she thought, was a pretty fair assessment.

Dong Hua was around thousands of foul-mouthed men in encampments during wartime, of course he'd heard crude language being spoken. He didn't tell her that the women warriors she looked up to in his army were also known to use that type of language from time to time. That would only embolden her.

"Look Dijun ..."

He could tell she was desperately trying to find her words.

"I know we're best friends but there are some things I just can't tell you. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

While he was disappointed she wouldn't tell him where she went and who she was with, he was more concerned at her more frequent use of "please don't be mad," with him. The pained look on her face was filled with guilt but also fear.

He tried his best to soften his voice and his gaze. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried. You came home smelling like a demon bloodbath."

"But, I'm fine, really." She walked on her knees to move closer to him until she was sitting back of her heels directly in front of him. "I didn't even get a scratch on me because this protected me," she said as she proudly pulled out her pendant from under the collar of her robe.

Dong Hua's face darkened. "So you were in danger," he said with gritted teeth. He swallowed the growl that wanted to climb out of his throat. His pendant would only be activated if her life was at risk.

She immediately regretted mentioning the pendant. Her face fell. She had hoped he would feel better knowing that because of him, there was not a scratch on her.

"Mmm... how about you give me a physical exam? That way you'll know that I am completely unhurt. You don't have to take my word for it, you can trust your own medical assessment."

She knelt up in front of him and held her arms out at her sides. The almighty god did not anticipate this turn of events. He sat frozen and just stared at her while she nodded at him encouragingly.

"Go ahead. You can feel for yourself, there's not a broken bone, a spasm, or a sprain that's in my body," she proudly declared.

Dong Hua didn't want her experiencing more body image issues because of him so he reluctantly complied. Reluctance quickly transitioned into a spellbound appraisal. He placed his hands around her neck and slowly moved them over her shoulders and down the length of her arms. He let his palms and fingertips slide down her back unhurriedly as if time was his servant. He softly laid his hands at her small waist.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now