Chapter 44 - All Systems Go

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As Feng Jiu walked beside Third Prince to go into his palace, she couldn't help but notice that all of his maids were beautiful women. It's as if one had to win a beauty contest to work there.

She had distinctly remembered that Dijun had told her that due to Third Prince's medical condition, he was acutely uncomfortable having to be around beautiful women. It made him feel very insecure about himself.

Apparently, Dijun had considered her falling under the category of "beautiful" and he even told her explicitly that she was also not to bother him. Perhaps Third Prince's affliction happened fairly recently and he didn't have the heart to fire all of his staff? Was that why he came to Tai Chen Palace often? So he could get away from the misery he got from being at home? There were too many possibilities and this would prove a challenging mystery for her to solve.

 Perhaps Third Prince's affliction happened fairly recently and he didn't have the heart to fire all of his staff? Was that why he came to Tai Chen Palace often? So he could get away from the misery he got from being at home? There were too many p...

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Yuanji Palace was much smaller than Tai Chen Palace but it was decorated beautifully. It was more lavish and ornate than Dijun's palace but Feng Jiu found her Nine Heavens home more to her liking as it reflected Dijun's elegant minimalism. She quietly fell back to tap Chia Yuan on the arm to have a quick quiet chat with her.

"Should I change?" asked the little highness uneasily.

Chia Yuan did not understand why the little highness would ask this. "Why would you need to change, Your Highness?"

Feng Jiu looked around, "because everyone looks so beautiful, here." She looked down at herself. "I'm afraid I'm underdressed." She scrunched her face up. "I think I look shabby compared to everyone."

"Oh, Your Highness, I promise you, you look lovely and elegant. Please don't think you need to change a thing," replied Chia Yuan.

"Thank you. But I'm to be the Queen of Qing Qiu, I also represent Tai Chen Palace and I'm having dinner with a prince of the Nine Heavens. I should show proper respect by dressing for the occasion. I also don't want to poorly represent Dijun or my kingdom."

Chia Yuan smiled. "Third Prince is very relaxed and would never judge your appearance. This also isn't a formal diplomatic affair. But, if it makes you more comfortable then just change. Do you want me to help you?" she whispered back and smiled.

Feng Jiu nodded. The Master Housekeeper called out to Third Prince. "Your Highness, the princess and I have something to discuss, we will meet you in the dining room shortly."

"That's fine, I'll see you both there," Lian Song said casually and continued walking.

"See? I told you, he's very relaxed. Now, how would you like to look? With your complexion and features, I think you'd look good in any color," smiled Chia Yuan.

Feng Jiu had spent her life mostly around uncle figures. Hanging around them, she was used to eating, drinking, playing Go, being boastful, and emulating the casual and relaxed swagger of almost drunk men. Her parents were always busy with state affairs. She was also brought up by Bai Qian, who had her own confident and irreverent swagger. Any elegance in her behaviors was taught to her by her grandmother, Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen. She had almost no other female influences in her life and welcomed Chia Yuan's sisterly and ladylike nurturance.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now