Chapter 131 - The Challenge Pt. II

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A/N: I know I gave Dong Hua Dijun barely any lines in that last chapter. While we know he would lay down his life and slay any beast for her, he's not always going to be the hero of the story, his story, her story, or their story. She had endeared herself to others and they would gladly step-up to protect her. She's also growing and becoming more confident so sometimes she's going to take care of things herself ;)


Every bit of food Dong Hua had cooked that morning for the fox den was eaten up.

Zhong Lin, Si Ming, and the little highness were not surprised having eaten Dong Hua's improved hazard-free cooking.

Everyone else was in a state of disbelief and dissonance.

Liu Jun was indifferent. All he knew was that he had survived jolly times.

Then there was Dong Hua's confession after her confession of taking advantage of him. No one had ever thought the almighty heartless god would say those three words to anyone, much less out loud, and to the fox den's littlest Bai.

The Fox Empress knew her husband was still in a dangerous mix of shock and food coma bliss so she thought it best that she, on everyone's behalf graciously thank Dong Hua again for breakfast.

Everyone stood up to help Migu clear the tables.

Feng Jiu had piled Dong Hua's bowl onto hers. "Dijun, I got it," she said as she walked off to the kitchen.

"Little fox," he called out.

All of a sudden half of the fox den froze where they stood and looked over to the almighty god.

He caught the Fox Empress's eyes first. She smiled. "Oh, sorry Dijun, I've been conditioned with those two words." She pointed over to Bai Zhi. "I'm his little fox."

Dong Hua nodded and then he met Feng Jiu's mother's eyes. "Oh, and I'm his little fox," she said while pointing at Bai Yi.

Dong Hua nodded and turned to see Bai Zhen looking at him. "Oh, and I'm his little fox," he said pointing to Zhe Yan.

Dong Hua nodded in acknowledgement and turned to catch Bai Qian's gaze. "Oh, and I'm his little fox," she said while pointing to Ye Hua.

Dong Hua nodded. He should have known better than to have said those two words so loudly in a den of foxes. He finally found her sweet warm gaze on him. "I meant to say ... my baby fox."

Everyone returned to whatever they were doing and acted as if they didn't hear him.

She stood there several meters away still holding onto the bowls with a bright smile. "Yes, Dijun?" she said while keeping her large doe eyes glued on her librarian.

"Yes, child?" called out Bai Zhi from across the room. "I'm a dijun, too. Don't forget your grandfather is an emperor like Da Bai. I'm current, he's former!" Bai Zhi yelled out from across the room.

Dong Hua's mouth didn't smile but his eyes did. She giggled.

"Thank you," he called out for her taking his bowl.

Everyone pretended they didn't hear the unbelievable. "I love you" and now "thank you." Everyone knew that it would take them half a day before they could digest not the meal, but the things they were hearing coming out of the former emperor of Heaven and Earth's mouth.


Liu Jun had brought his bowl to the kitchen and then was heading out to his post at the entrance of the fox den when he was stopped by the little highness.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now