Chapter 3 - Sleeping In

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(Image credit: Tina Xinia at


When she opened her eyes and yawned, she felt softly nestled into something cool. She wasn't lying on the bed, but where was she, she wondered. A sea of lavender fabric came into view. Her stomach sank as she began to realize exactly where she was. She was curled up in an upright fetal position in the lap of the almighty god, Dong Hua Dijun.

She was no longer in her fox form and somehow had crawled in his lap. She raised her head slowly, trying to not make any sudden movements. He appeared to be sleeping; his breathing was deep and even. Her mind started to race. She'd have to get off of him before he woke up and realized she had exercised very poor boundaries.

She quickly assessed her situation and realized that his arms were securely around her and she was stuck. She surmised her fox self probably climbed into his arms while he was slumbering. Since she had awoken in her immortal form she had expanded in size in his arms. Looking down, she saw the soles of her boots on his thighs. Not wanting to leave bruises or dirt marks on him, she quickly conjured the boots off. As her little socked feet pressed into his thigh, she realized that the slightest movement of her toes could wake him up.

Aiya Feng Jiu, why are you so stupid and careless?

Panic flooded her chest. There was no way to slip out of his hold without waking him up. If he woke up and saw her like this, she would absolutely die of embarrassment. Dijun also might accuse her of trying to take advantage of him. She was going to be the Queen of Qing Qiu and could not be in this position. Also, physically, she really shouldn't be in this position. There had to be a way to get out of this.

And then it hit her. She truly was stupid. She couldn't believe she didn't think of it sooner. She just needed to turn back into her little fox form and then could easily climb out of his arms. She squinted her eyes and willed herself to transform like she always did. 

Nothing happened.

Oh no.

Had she lost all of her power, she wondered. No matter how hard she tried she wasn't able to transform back into a fox. This worried her greatly. Her heart began beating wildly, her panic taking the form of firecrackers exploding in her chest. But, within a few moments the panic strangely subsided. She suddenly felt drowsy and was unable to keep her eyes open. She wasn't sure why she was getting so tired all of a sudden. Her body started to relax; her mind sinking into quicksand. The remainder of her thoughts sank deep beneath the surface, leaving her unable to follow them.

Why I so sleee....

He had felt her stir. There was a tension building up within his arms. He reflexively gave out a neutralizing exhale. With his eyes still closed and his breathing deep and even, he prepared to drift back into his delicious doze when a rapid drumming started to attack his chest. He could feel her heart beating and pounding wildly. It felt as if a very angry hummingbird was tearing into his chest.

Was his little fox, who was apparently now in her immortal form, having a heart attack? He hoped not. This was disturbing his rest. He rarely ever slept but with what had happened earlier with the demons, he could use a nap.  He took in a deep breath and exhaled a small blue breeze from his heart-center into the small bundle he embraced.

She slowly softened into his lap, her legs relaxing. He removed his right arm that was around her legs that were tucked into her. Her legs relaxed as her little white socked feet slid over his thigh and rested onto the bed. He gently slipped his right arm around her waist, his left arm still cradling her back. Her small arms were still folded neatly into her chest. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now