Chapter 57 - A Friendly Excursion

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"What did you say?" asked Dong Hua as he hovered over her and looked down tenderly as he saw the glint of disturbance in her eyes.

She shook her head slightly and whispered "nothing."

He could feel her body tense under him. His attempt at sweet-play had somehow gone awry. He searched her eyes for an answer but she only replied with the flutter of her long eyelashes as she blinked.

He had relished the soft unhurried moments of sweet-play with her just then, but somehow with her lying under him tense and apprehensive, he felt it wrong for him to have his body over her like this. He caressed the back of her head once more before he slowly lifted himself off her and gently pulled her up into a sitting position.

He didn't know if he should apologize. He didn't know what she needed in that moment. Dong Hua felt lost but wanted desperately to stay tethered to her.

She simply kept looking at him with an unsettled look. He could not tell if it was sadness, worry, displeasure or a melange of everything that was weighing heavily on her.

"Who taught you how to do that?" Her voice small and barely audible.

He was about to reply with "you did," until he realized his mistake. She had only taught Dream Dijun to do that, not him.

He had been careless. His once well-compartmentalized dream identity began spilling into his current incarnation and the borders were now blurred.

"Did ... another fox teach you how to do that?" she asked cautiously.

It took him a moment to realize that she had believed that since she had never taught him how to fox kiss, as she had referred to it previously, she assumed he had learned it from another fox.

"No ... no ... no, little fox," he replied as his voice dropped lower and lower with the painful recognition that she felt hurt he was in the intimate company of other foxes.

He reached for her hand. He wanted to squeeze it in reassurance. When he had pulled her hand into his, she flinched.

"What happened to your little paw, Xiao Bai?" He turned her hand over lightly examining it. The flesh around her fingers was red and tender. "When did this happen?" 

She tried to pull her hand away but he held her wrist firmly. "It's not that bad. I accidentally banged it against the table ... before you came into my room."

"This is from rough-play earlier wasn't it? When you punched me. Why are you saying it was from before?" he asked still looking down at her hand.

"I ...I didn't want you to feel bad ... about having such a rock-hard body," she said hesitantly.

He looked up at her. His little fox would still try to protect his feelings despite being the one who was hurt.

"Don't ever hide from me that you're hurt. Especially, if I am the cause. Let me feel bad. How can I make you feel better if you won't tell me where it hurts?"

"This needs to be iced," he muttered to himself. He brought her hand up to his mouth. His lips slowly parted and he exhaled a cold chill that neutralized the stinging pain. He lightly kissed away the ache with his cold soft lips. Unlike his solid and firm midsection, she found his mouth yielding and tender.

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The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now