Chapter 126 - The Art of Being of Service

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A/N: Above image is not mine and is borrowed from

I have learned to write almost anywhere, on planes, shuttles, cars, airports, restaurants, you name it. Most of this chapter was written in my car while I was waiting for my dog while he was getting acupuncture. Because of covid no one is allowed in the clinic and staff take our pets in for their treatments. Tried to make good use of the time :)

I have been delinquent with replying to comments and will soon!


He held her so close into his chest he felt every deep and heavy breath she took. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and she kneaded the tips of her fingers into the upper muscles of his bottom. He had never felt such a strange but pleasant feeling before. He smiled into the wispy hairs on the top of her messy braided hair.

"Our bodies can do so much," she mumbled.

He wasn't sure if she was talking to him or just herself. He knew she had plenty of time to explore so much more of what their bodies could do together. He was glad she had felt comfortable to take control of their love-play when she did. She was insistent that he found his own compelling completion.

"I love you, Dijun," she said as she sniffed his throat. The scent of musky sandalwood filled her entire being and she sighed with contentment.

He let his long slender fingers run through the long silky hair falling down her back.

"And I love you, Xiao Bai ... Tell me," he said as he sat back slightly to look closely into her face.

"Does our love-play feel good to you?"

Her eyes flitted from his gaze down to his chest and then back to him.

"Yes. I feel so many things at once. It's hard to describe. When you're first um ..." She was trying to find the right words.

"When I first ... enter?" he asked quietly as his eyes tried to coax hers to meet his.

She nodded. "It's a little ... uncomfortable."

He caressed the side of her face and grazed his thumb across her cheek. He nodded back to validate what he knew wasn't easy for her to say, but he was glad she was able to say it.

"But then it feels better and then ... it feels good," she said with a growing smile. "I still worry I'm too small for you."

He knew men often objectified women's bodies. He'd heard plenty from his soldiers in the encampments during the Great Wars. With his status, he never socialized with them around the campfires where there was often talk about how they missed raw sensual pleasures. He remembered walking through his encampment with some of his generals and hearing the lewd comments about women's bodies and what each men preferred.

The truth was he loved the feeling of being inside her and how she tightly took all of him. He also knew this also partially contributed to her discomfort. Her body was still getting used to him.

"You are exactly perfect as you are, and somehow we fit together in more ways than one. While there are times where love-play pushes each of us to what we imagine to be our limits, our bodies are adaptive. As long as you feel safe and want to continue, your body will adapt. You also have no idea how much influence you have over my body."

Hearing how she had influence over her librarian and former emperor of everything's body made her eyes sparkle and her rosy lips stretched into a demure smile.

She ran her fingertips down over his pecs and grazed the tips of her middle fingers over his nipples.

His breath hitched. "Exactly," was all he could say breathlessly.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now