Chapter 109 - Song of the Violet Moon

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A/N: Warning - Mature sexual content. I know not everyone is comfortable with this kind of content and its fine if you want to skip this. If you've read the other billion chapters, even without reading this one you've still got the plot. Thank you to every patient/impatient reader that waited for this and trusted that I would bring us here. If you've followed them through their journey from when it began, hold on for just a few more moments ...

*edit April 2022 - apparently, a few more moments meant like 50 more chapters. Sorry, back when I wrote this story I had no idea how I literally couldn't stop writing for these two🤗 


It was torturous for him to have to pull himself away from her lips but he needed to ask her something. He leaned on his elbow and looked down at her expectant and impassioned eyes.

"Are you certain I'm not too cold for you? Do you want me to conjure a blanket over us? If we continue you'll have my mouth, my hands, and all of me ... on you ... in you....."

Having lived as long as he had with the only body he had, he wasn't self-conscious of it at all. The only thing he worried about was that the feel of his touch and his skin was too cold for her.

She grew up with the affection of many people—all of whom were warm.

"Dijun, I love how cool to the touch you are to me. You've noticed. When I'm ... aroused ... I burn up so much I could roast sweet potatoes on my body."

"Mmmm." His eyes traversed the terrain of her soft curves. "You know I never feel hungry but everything about you is an exception to me. Is this how roast ducks makes you feel? Because if so I need to work on overthrowing the duck in this hierarchy of desire that you have."

He immediately closed his eyes. What was wrong with him, he wondered. Why was he awkwardly babbling? Then he realized he was nervous. This was not an emotion he was used to, but with her, everything felt new and important. Everything they were moving towards felt new and important.

"Well, I love roast duck because I like the salty and sweet crispy skin. But I prefer the dark meat as opposed to the white meat. I'm not really into duck breast so much."

Dong Hua watched her in wonder as she spoke intently about the duck. Of course, something nonsensical like roast duck at a moment like this would be completely engaging to her.

He was about to make an inappropriate attempt at humor about breasts but he thankfully was able to squelch that ridiculous nervous impulse.

"Dijun, Mogu says that if I'm ever intimidated I should imagine someone as a roast duck and know that it is mine for the taking."

She raised his hand to caress the side of his face. "Are you mine for the taking?" she whispered.

He rubbed the side of his face into her palm without ever taking his gaze off of her. "I thought you already knew that." 

She shook her head. "Dijun, you don't understand. Everybody wants you. But you chose me. There are times where I wonder if I'm dreaming. I don't tell you because I don't want you to worry that I'm having one of those moments again. But if we do this. This. We are mated. Foxes mate for life."

"Xiao Bai, while I will spend the rest of my life learning everything I can about foxes, I do know this much; we are mated. For life. Even before we do this. I am your mate and you are mine. There is no other reality for me, except this." He traced his fingers down the the side of her face.

"And doesn't my little fox know that everyone wants her, too?"

"I just want to be wanted by you," she whispered.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now