Chapter 43 - Best Mates

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(Image credit goes to the illustrator of his adorable graphic)


The little highness studied Dong Hua as he studied his roasted sweet potato. She knew he had the habit of being unhurried and lethargic but still she didn't have all day. She gently placed her small hand over his much larger one that was holding the sweet potato. Without any sudden movements, she guided the root vegetable up to his lips. 

He obediently took a bite out of his sweet potato with his eyes still fixed on her. With her hand still on his, he gently lowered the sweet potato down to her mouth so she could take her own bite. 

He moved the soft and carmelized warmth around his mouth thoughtfully before he swallowed. 

"Of course you're tired, and don't feel like going out. In one night you've had to endure my unfair scrutiny, gotten soaked by me, almost drowned while taking a bath, tried to get me to hit you, barely escaped being devoured by me, beaten me to a pulp at Go, danced your little fox heart out, was subjected to being called 'beautiful' endlessly, had to put together a social gathering, then had to de-escalate the former ruler of everything from completely ruining said gathering, acted as a Celestial physician, and then tried to solve a mysterious crime. I'd be tired, too, if I were you," he said expressionlessly.

She simply nodded. 

He talks a lot now.

 She raised his hand back up so he could take a bite from his sweet potato. After he took his bite, he gently lowered his hand back to her so she could take another bite. She tried to be mindful and only took small bites so there would be more left for him. She didn't know that compared to him, small bites were all she was capable of. 

"If you want me to, Xiao Bai, I could stay ... with you ... and we could take a nap ... at home," he said with his gaze still fixed on her. He hoped that she understood that he meant nap together

She moved the sweet potato back to him. She looked down to the ground to think for a moment. While that sounded very tempting, because there really was no better place for a fox to snuggle than in the lap or on the chest of Dong Hua Dijun, she would still have to decline. Third Prince had been so accommodating and had planned so well, she would have to do her part. She looked up to see Dong Hua slowly chewing and looking down at her pensively.

"Dijun, you shouldn't break your appointment with the God of Luminous Treasures. We can nap some other day!" She smiled back at him, as he brought the sweet potato to her mouth so she could take a another bite. 

"Rest well then, little fox," he said to her as she chewed her treat.

This was when Zhong Lin walked through the garden and spied His Majesty sharing bites of roasted sweet potato with the little fox princess. He silently bowed to Dong Hua who had seen him, and stealthily kept walking by remembering to silence his bells so to not disturb the little highness. He smiled to himself upon seeing the impromptu picnic. He couldn't wait for Si Ming to wake up. There was much the Star Lord needed to get caught up on.

After they had finished the roasted sweet potato, she immediately transformed into her fox form and scampered over to the pit. 

"Careful, little fox, it's still hot," he warned. 

She nodded her little fox head while she carefully reached out with her white-tipped paw and used her claws to carefully drag a sweet potato out of the pit onto the grass. For efficiency she sprouted out her nine tails and wiggled her furry bottom to fan the sweet potatoes until they cooled enough where she could pick it up gingerly in her mouth, careful to not leave teeth marks. She  withdrew her tails, walked over and sat on her haunches in front of Dong Hua and raised it to him as an offering. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now