Chapter 162 - To Drive A Hard Bargain

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Mogu was left at home.

Much to his disappointment and anger, his master did not allow him to accompany them to the Mushroom Market. The threat of the Snow Lion causing a scene was too big of a risk with demon scouts having made their way into Qing Qiu.

He had heard from Migu that when Mogu first visited the night market he had caused considerable distress to everyone as he made thunderous roars to announce his arrival. The butcher and several other brave citizens had thrown out piles of meat for the beast to consume hoping that would fill him up and satiate his appetite, leaving everyone else alive.

The almighty god knew that the delusion of being worshipped was like poison that had already taken root in his mount's large ego and clouded grasp on reality. There would be no way for the beast to go to the Mushroom Market without creating frightening fanfare for himself and that was not the attention Dong Hua wanted for his little fox who was already bring hunted.

The demon insurgency already knew the little princess was protected by an immortal beast from their attack on the pair when they left Kun Lun, and still that did not deter them. Dong Hua knew that when a blood-thirsty yet desperate formidable enemy decided that someone needed to die, they stopped at nothing to ensure their target was wiped out.

"Mogu, I will not repeat myself again. You are to stay and protect the fox den."

The beast huffed with great agitation and turned his head away from his master.

Mogu's features softened as he peered from under his long white eyelashes over at his mistress, silently imploring her to take up his cause.

Her heart went out to the poor beast. She tugged her mate's sleeve.

"Dijun, are you sure he can't come with us?" she whispered.

He looked down at her sympathetically and replied telepathically.

I know you'd like him to be with you and normally I'd have him by your side but you know what will happen. He will put your citizens under duress. This is our last morning in Qing Qiu before we go back and we need to focus on procuring what you will need to make the breakfast feast. We do not have time to babysit him.

She just nodded with disappointment.

Seeing that his mistress could not put the almighty god on his back and alpha his master on this one, he whipped his head over to Liu Jun. The half-face boy had spoken up for him in the past.

"Tell Master that you are weak and cannot possibly do the protection job for Mistress without my help. I must go too!" The beast eyed Liu Jun challengingly.

The demon wanted to roll his eyes.

"I'm not weak, and you know that what Dijun says goes."

The beast released a low growl.

"After last night you would do this to me you ungrateful stray! You shoved your glowing balls at me quite rudely but I took them into me. The force at which you shoved your balls at me could have broken my face but ... I ... took ... them," he grumbled out bitterly.

The demon balled up his black leathered fists and stepped up to stand directly in front of the beast. He realized it took everything in him to not punch the Snow Lion in the face. The monster blood Liu Jun spiked his fruit juice with didn't help as it was also a stimulant that kept his blood boiling and pumping faster into his body. As a demon, he baseline was irritability but having imbibed on the monster blood, he was at peak agitation now.

The demon lifted his chin slightly and narrowed his eyes at the beast.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? Have you seen your reflection in the water? Oh wait, of course you haven't because you're ... afraid ...of ... the ... water ... like a cat!" growled out Liu Jun.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now