Chapter 163 - The Natives Are Getting Restless

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Feng Jiu, Scarface, and Bai Zhi sat together on a bench at the Mushroom Market.

She had pulled a golden walnut shell from her sleeve and was passing down walnuts so they could all snack while waiting for Dong Hua as he made sure to challenge every vendor with his bargaining and haggling skills.

Bai Zhi let out a long deflated sigh. "You know Xiao Jiu, I have sat on this bench and many benches similar to this one countless times waiting for your grandmother to finish her shopping. I never imagined I would be sitting here waiting for Dong Hua Dijun." He began absent-mindedly munching on some walnuts.

She nodded. "I thought he would be waiting for me, not the other way around."

Liu Jun kicked some gravel with his black boot. "If this is what it means to have a mate, I thank the primordial demon gods that I won't have one."

She elbowed him. "Hey, don't say that. You might very well have one and I hope you and him will be as happy as Dijun and I am!"

Liu Jun could not help himself. Despite the harsh constriction of his lips, he eventually found himself smiling at her comment. He then felt her plop a large piece of walnut into his palm.

Many people had come by to congratulate their Fox Emperor on his recent birthday and to welcome Princess Feng Jiu home. Everyone was sad to hear that she would soon be returning to the Nine Heavens. Seeing that the trio was waiting for the ancient god, the young Wolf Immortal selling pastries came over to offer them a box of freshly baked goods to snack on.

Bai Zhi and Feng Jiu noticed that while there was a sweet aroma to some of the pastries, it was being competed with by a foul-smelling stench.

The female Wolf Immortal pointed to the bottom row of the box.

"These are for your slave, Your Highness. I stuffed a raw rabbit heart into each of the buns. They should gush with fresh blood when he takes a bite," she said with a shy smile while looking at the ground.

"Um ..." The princess took the box with a polite smile. "Thank you? But he's not my ..." she tried to explain before the lady sheepishly bowed to her and the Fox Emperor and quickly walked away.

"Aye child, handover that box. I'm hungry. We haven't eaten breakfast yet. At this rate I'll die of starvation before we get to the fox den. Eh, boy, here take your slave-food." The old fox promptly shoved the small buns into the demon's hands.

"Scarface, I don't think of you as—"

"It's okay Your Highness, I don't care what people call me. I'm sure they'll call me much worse in the Nine Heavens. Mmmm ..." He had ripped into one of the buns with this sharp teeth and savored the tiny explosion of the bitter metallic blood.

"Apparently, Qing Qiu raises some big healthy rabbits, Your Majesty."

"Dear lad, you haven't a clue do you? What you're tasting is actually that she-wolf's thirst. She wants to drink from your well." The Fox Emperor nodded matter-of-factly.

Liu Jun grimaced and could barely swallow what was in his mouth.

Bai Zhi quickly consumed his taro-filled pastry and pointed to the approaching tall figure. "Da Bai looks done, let's go."

She looked up to see that her mate was holding two sticks of sugar candies. "Dijun!"

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, little fox. Bargaining at the market was even more fun than beating Lian Song at Go." He handed her a stick with a phoenix design while he kept the candy with the dragon design.

He held out his other hand to help her up from the bench.

She looked around cautiously. "Should we hold hands, Dijun? That'll make us look like a couple, won't it?"

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now