Chapter 116: Negan!!

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Alita's Point of View

"Thank you." I told him as I walked over to the drivers side of the car, and Rick steps out.

"Morgan's still out there looking." Rick informs me.

"I didn't see anything." I mumbled, he looks at my blood covered hands and busted lip that was quickly healing instantly.

"What happened?" He asks grabbing my face.

"I had a run in with a couple of Saviors again." I told him, his eyes widened.

"I took care of them." I assured him, and he turns to Abraham.

"Is Michonne here?" Rick asks Abe.

"She's still out there, too." He answers, I placed my hand on Rick's shoulder, I know how he's feeling right now.

"You afraid... To go back to it? Let somebody close?" Abraham asks.

"Yeah. Yeah." Rick responds after a moment.

"Me, too. But now... I think I'm that much more ready to tear the world a brand-new *******." I said as I chuckled along with them.

"Any second now. Any second." Abraham assures us, and I looked out the gate.

"Any second." I repeated resting my hands on their shoulders. Once we were talking some more, we heard someone called for us.

"Hey!" We turned to Ash.

"Something's wrong with Maggie." She says, without another word I'm running to her, my heart pounding.

'What else can happen today? Carol leaves, Morgan's out there chasing her, Daryl leaves to do who knows what, and a group is now out there tracking him. All of this while we have a group of pissed off individuals after us.' I thought and when we got to where Maggie was.

Rick takes one look at her and makes a decision.

"We need to get her to Hilltop." He points out.

"Get the RV." He orders Abraham.

Ash and I packed out things to leave, I packed some stuff for Maggie too before I go over to where she's resting, and I kneeled down next to her.

"Hey, you're gonna be alright. Rick's gonna get you there, then when Glenn comes back they'll send him to Hilltop." I whispered, and she grabs my hand.

"Okay." She gasps, just by looking at her I could tell she was worse.

Her skin was starting to pale and she gasped for breath, and I pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Everything's gonna be alright." I whispered.

"Ready?" Ash asks Maggie.

I looked over at him, than back at Maggie. She nods, as Ash helps her up and helps her out to the RV.

"I'll watch the dogs." Nate says.

I nodded at him before following Ash, once we got outside we found that Abraham, Sasha and Eugene has joined us. I held Maggie's hand as she lays on the bed.

"You ready?" I asked, and she nods.

"I'm ready." She answers.

I took a breath, getting up I brushed her hair before joining the others up front, I see Carl sitting in here.

"What are you doing here, kiddo?" I asked.

"Helping." He responds, I nodded before sitting down, and I looked over at Aaron.

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