Chapter 147: Night... Walkers?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

That night everyone's inside and getting ready for a good nights sleep, but not me really... I sit out on the hood of one of the trucks into the night just staring at the sky.

I couldn't stay still long enough to sleep, but the dogs were sleeping on in the bed of it peacefully.

Taking a deep breath I reached into my pocket and pull out the folded envelope, my name was written across it, I slowly open it up and pull the paper out.

'Dear Aunt Alita-'

I close it as soon as I read the top of it, biting my lip I try to fight back the tears as I place it back in the envelope and shove it back in my pocket.

Taking a deep breath, I ran a hand over my face, it was too soon to read it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read it.

My head snaps up hearing growling, standing up I scan the area until I see three figures going towards the house, my eyes widen.

"Stay!" I order the dogs as I jump off the hood and take off towards the house.

"Walkers! Walkers!" I hollered as I pull my knife.

I clear the steps in one jump, grabbing the last walker heading inside I stab it in the head, once it falls to the ground my jaw drops seeing the doctor.

Screaming filled the house along with more growling, more than the two walkers that were left inside.

"Daryl! Guys!" I called out seeing the walkers out, eating the living.

I started to go inside but two walkers cut me off, both snarling at me, raising my knife I stabbed them both in the head before running inside to help people.

Grabbing a few by the shirt, I shove them towards the door.

"Go! Go!" I ordered before turning and sinking my knife into a walker's head.

"Alita!" I heard someone call for me, turning I see Daryl.

"Get out of here!" He yelled to me.

"Aunt Alita! AUNT ALITA!!!" I hear two young girls scream.

I looked at Daryl worriedly as I ran to the noise.

Once I got to the two girls, I've killed the walkers around them with my knife, and they were hugging me as I took them outside.

It didn't take long to have everyone out of the house and to start killing the few walkers that were still around.

"The **** happened?" Daryl asks.

"I don't know. Maybe walkers got in." Rick says.

"Maybe during the fight." Morgan agrees.

"These are our own people, though." Daryl points out.

"The first one I put down was the doc, I only see three come inside." I informed them, I look around still hearing screaming.

"Come on!" I tell them as we rushed up the stairs and to the room we hear a thud.

Daryl, Rick, Maggie, and I rushed in with our guns and knifes, but we fins a body on the floor and Carol with her knife.

"You alright?" Daryl and I asked.

"Yeah, just... He wasn't bit. But he turned." She tells us.

"Negan's bat." Rick starts as my eyes snapped at him.

"When I was out there with him, it was covered in walker blood." He says kneeling down next to Tobin.

"I just thought he'd crossed some. But maybe..." Rick starts.

"They have us working for them again. Killin' our own." Maggie says.

"It's the fever." We look over at Bruce, he was covered in sweat, his arm bandaged after getting hurt during the fight.

"That's what it is. It makes sense now." He says looking down.

"One of you... You're gonna have to do it. I can't." His voice breaks. Maggie grabs his hand as he pants, fighting back sobs.

"You gotta do it for me. Please. Please." He begs. I look down, running a hand through my hair.

Then I see Alita and Evelyn looking at me holding each others hand. Then I led them to the room where Rosita, Enid, and Tara is with a few others.

Rick opens the door as Rosita, Enid, Ethan, and Jack points a gun at him.

"Hey." He says holding his hand and they lower their guns.

" Good out there?" Rosita and Jack asked.

"House is clear." Rick tells them.

"Aunt Gab! Uncle Jack!" Alita says going to Jack and Gab.

"Daddy!" Evelyn says going to Ethan. As Daryl closes the door behind us.

"Thank you, Alita." Ethan tells me as I nodded, but I see him, Jack, and Gab in tears.

'No! They can't be dead!' I looked at the three concerned, saddened, and angered.

"Mark? Amy? Mika?" I asked them in concern.

They shook their heads, I sighed tearing up a bit. As young Alita looks at me, but she realized I said her parents names as she looks back up at Jack.

Yet she could tell that she lost them, as she starts tearing up, then he hugs her, trying to comfort her.

"We'll take care of her for them." Gab said tearing up as Jack and some of the others were really saddened or were tearing up themselves.

'******!' I thought to myself looking down, when a tear fell down my eye.

"How'd this happen?" Tara questions. I look out the window, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Um... The Saviors did something to their weapons. Everyone they cut up... Or got shot... They all got sick. Some of 'em turned." Daryl explains.

"What? No." Enid whispers.

"Okay." Tara says.

"When we were out there, and you said you were done waiting. I coulda killed him. I shoulda." Daryl tells her.

"No. He wanted to be here with us. And no matter what he did or how hard he tried, I wanted him dead. I just couldn't let it be anything else. Karma's a *****, right?" She says smiling a little. I looked down at my feet.

"You don't have a fever yet, let's not start planning a funeral already." I mumbled before I walked out to make sure everyone else was okay.

While Jack, Gab, Alita, Evelyn, and Ethan went to find Ash and Nate to tell them the news.

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