Chapter 11: NO! Not You!

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita looks like in Wolf Form, if you were wondering. Also again this is fictional, please don't get mad at me since I added this to Alita's character.

It's suppose to be part of Alita because it's something her Grandfather did for his descendants to get that curse. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

Alita and Daryl decided to go around the farm for an area where no one would bother them. Alita wanted to just sit and relax after all the things that had been happening. She has an area not too far from the far, but a good distance.

"I feel so bad for Carol." Alita says, sitting against the trunk of a tree.

"She didn't deserve to lose her daughter the way she did." Alita continued, Daryl grunted in agreement and continued sharpening his knife on a rock. Alita looked at him, sitting next to her, then rested her head on the tree and looked up into the leaves above her.

"Alita, Daryl!" Lori says to the two.

"Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock. We need Hershel." Lori says, while trying to get Daryl or Alita to get Hershel, but Daryl declined and yelled at Lori to go after them herself.

So, Lori left thinking Alita will decline as well, but that was Alita's little sister, she wouldn't leave her like that.

-Time skip-

Before Lori left to try and find Rick, Alita goes to her to take her place.

"I'll go find Rick, Hershel, and Glenn for you!" Alita says to Lori, as she looks at Alita shocked.

"It's okay Alita, you don't have to go besides Hershel or Daryl will probably be... Mad at me that I let you go out there alone..." Lori responds to Alita, as Alita looks at her crossing her arms.

"I've been out there on my own was before I came to the Greene farm, and met up with Hershel, his family, or Daryl again, so I'll be okay to go out there if you would've asked me... But I'll go out there to do a search and rescue mission on my own as well Lori... And that's my little sister, who needs help in the house as well so I'll go." Alita says as she goes to her motorcycle with her crossbow, knife, and pistol leaving a bewildered Lori behind.

-Time skip-

"I don't see why you can't make room for a few more. We can pool our resources, our manpower." Dave said taking another sip of his drink.

But Rick shook his head glancing over at Hershel and Glenn on the other side of the bar. These men wanted to come back to the farm and join the group, but Rick knew better than to trust strangers.

"Look, I'm sorry. That's not an option." Rick replied glancing over at the other guy, who was in the corner of the room.

"Doesn't sound like much of a problem." The man replied this time Hershel started talking.

"We can't... We can't take in anymore." He said looking at the man.

"You guys are something else. I thought... I thought we were friends." The man said.

But before Rick could reply, he sees Alita sneaking in through the back. Her eyes focused on Rick, Glenn, and Hershel's shocked expressions that she was here, but once she saw the two men with them, she almost froze.

'Why is he here? Why is he talking to Rick? NO!! NOT YOU!!' Alita thought to herself.

"That's no way to greet me! What's it been...? Like two-fifteen years?" The guy in the corner, standing, now walking to where Alita was hiding, pulling up his pants. Alita got out of her hiding spot, pointing her crossbow.

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